Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be the Change You Want to See in the World. -- Mahatma Ghandi

From your comments many of you want the same thing.  You can make that change.  Make that change in your own lives, and put a stop to those doing it here.  You're probably thinking "C'mon, Patin I'm going to be the one telling people to stop be negative towards others or Kelloggsville, yeah right!".  Someone has to have the courage to change the atmosphere around here.  Everyone here wants to be successful.  Some people want to but don't know how, some can't because of social pressures, while others are successful.  Make the Change.

Go to sporting Events and be involved.  Pride is contagious, kindness is contagious, and most importantly attitude is Contagious.

BE COURAGEOUS --  Everyone has it, but only a few show it.

Questions and/or Comments?

Current Chem I Problems Assigned:  Ch. 2 1-23.

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