Thursday, September 22, 2011

Your K-ville Experience

If you could change one thing about KHS what would it be?  (Imagine the perfect environment-high school experience- what would it be?)
**  Do not mention people, rules, or classes you don't like or agree with, stick to the general atmosphere.
2pts Extra Credit on the Lab Equipment Quiz to all who respond to the question by Monday Night!!

I am updating this post, because the current posts do not reflect comments on the general SCHOOL atmosphere. Complaining about passing time, starting and ending dates was not the intent of the post. Think in terms of student body, treatment of one another, participation, school pride, etc... Those of you who already posted try again.


  1. I would probably make the math classes a little smaller with more hours because we only have two precalculus classes and it gets a little hectic I think, and I would also make them all classroom classes, so that you don't have to deal with the stress of learning something online, because I know stats is like that. Other than that, I guess that's about it. Actually, one other thing, maybe we can spend more time on ACT math prep? Not just practicing the problems, but also doing them in a certain amount of time. I've heard that that's a killer for the ACT. I know this was more like three things, sorry.

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  4. The Kelloggsville needs to stop insisting on its own self-righteousness and has to cut the students some slack. It should begin and end the same as all the other schools, an extra week or so of school doesn't give any student any real reason to wanna be MOTIVATED to do better.

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  8. I think Kelloggsville should get half days. That way students can relax or sleep.

  9. ne thing I would change about KHS would be, the amount of students per class. Each year the class sizes get bigger and bigger and nobody is happy in a FULL class.

  10. I would change the way that people treat each other. Although we have the 'no bullying' tolerance and a few other clubs that prevent discrimination, it still happens. It may not be physical, but each and every day I hear some kind of verbal insult from one student towards another. And I, myself am also guilty of this too. I think we all need to have an attitude check, and learn not to be so hostile and judgemental.

  11. I would change how peolpe treat eachother, peoples school pride and the lunch schedule. There are a few people that seclude themselves from other students which make people think they're weird. Also if people are more outgoing or very hyper people tend to think they're annoying. And if only people knew them personally they wouldn't think that. So that's what I would change about the students view towards others. During spirit week many people dont even try to have school spirit and participate. I wish we have more assemblys because they are a good way to include all the staff and students. I would also change that. And lastly, the lunch schedule. Since there are many freshman this year it takes a while for students to get and eat their lunch. So if it were divided into two lunches then the school would flow easily. That is what I would change about KHS. -Jasmine Moore

  12. In Kelloggsville, I always hear insults throughout the halls and it makes the atmosphere of our school lousy. An example being that even though we have the GSA club to support understanding and open-mindedness, there are still those who use derogatory words towards those who are not "like them." And though it's not just Kelloggsville, I wish that it would change.

  13. I'm constantly hearing rumors throughout the hallways, usually little secrets, but there are harsh ones. I hear nasty words and slams on some of my friends and people I know, even ones I don't know. I wish they would stop being so catty and worry about themselves, stop judging based on appearance, and get along with one another. I know this happens in every school and I can't stop them per say, but this is the one thing that I would change about Kelloggsville.

  14. I would change our attitudes. Everybody has this sort of standard, like kelloggsville is to blame for EVERYTHING wrong in their lives. Kelloggsville blessed me with my friends, and education. Not only that but I believe even though our school is a safer place than most, it still could be more open-minded. So to repeat what Julia said, I am glad we have clubs like GSA (not being biased just because I am co-president) but GSA really makes an impact on people. A positive impact. :)
    -Liz Strom

  15. Okay, let's try this again xD I think that too many students think that they can go through high school without trying. Most of them end up regretting that they didn't try harder, and find that their futures were greatly affected. Many students don't understand that they should actually try in high school, and how well they do plays a part in their careers or colleges. Overall, when you actually TRY and PARTICIPATE in school, you'll have a better future.

  16. If I could change anything about Kelloggsville, I would change the way people act about our school. When I say this, I mean I would love to see more people with more school pride. I always hear poeple talking about going to Kelloggsville as if it is a bad thing. Some poeple even seem to be ashamed to go here. I would love to see more people who took pride in the AMAZING school they attend.

  17. If I could change something about Kelloggsville it would be everyones' attitudes. People don't try hard Enough and they bully others, having rotten attitudes. If they'd just actually try to learn, they'd get good grades, be happier and not bully others. Attitudes are everything, and nothing ever gets accomplished with a horrible attitude.

  18. I think KHS has a pretty excepting and mellow atmosphere, but there are still those people who do make fun of others.... and it just gets old after awhile. They just knit pick at the stupidest things... and those things shouldn't matter. It just erks me... I feel if THAT went away, the school would be a lot more positive. I'm just sick of all the crap talking.

  19. I personally think that KHS has a very good atmosphere, with the rules and help we can receive from the teachers. Although, the one thing I would change would be fact that there are students that tend to believe that it's okay to put other down. I would stop all the rude and negative gestures. In other words, I would stop the bullying that goes on, it may not be the physical type of bullying, but making fun of other and calling them names is verbal abuse. With it gone, everybody would be exposed to an even better KHS.

  20. I would like to see a change of attitude and more support for our school, as it is OUR school. Overall I find the atmosphere here is not much different from anywhere else.

  21. I would definitely change the way students view Kelloggsville. I cannot tell you how many times I hear a rude comment about our school when I walk by a group of students in the hallway. I find Kelloggsville to be an excellent place for education. The staff is incredibly friendly (if you are) and try their best to teach us what needs to be learned. We also have fun clubs/groups for students to join when they want to fit in somewhere. Thirdly, Kelloggsville is such a diverse school! Unlike Allendale and Kent City, we have individuals of all kinds of ethnicity. I wish everyone would see that Kelloggsville is the place to be. :)

  22. I would change the attitude of the school. When people are at school they are very rude to other students and their school and how they don't want to be here. Kelloggsville is a great place to be. It has great teachers, and when the students are being nice, they are great to be around. If we just change our attitude then Kelloggsville will be a better place to be and people would want to be here.

  23. I would change the number of students in one classroom at a time because I feel there are too many students in certain classes. I would also change people's view towards our school district. If you go to kelloggsville I feel it is pointless to slam the teachers and rules because it won't make a difference, it just makes other students that take pride in their school irritated.

  24. To better kelloggsville I probably would make the classes alot smaller. It is hard for me to focus in congested environments. I also would like spend more time preparing for the ACT's and mme's. I feel like when students have to prepare to take a big test it's so stressful because all of the questions are common sense questions but some of it has not been learned. I also think school should start earlier because alot of students have jobs now and it can be conflicting if they participate in sports and have practice in the middle of the day. My last thought would be to make kelloggsville a little bigger it's very congested in the halls every year the classes are getting bigger.

  25. If I could change one thing about Kelloggsville, it would be the pride. I feel that so many students from here don;t take enough pride in our school, and when talking to others about going to Kelloggsville, they make it seem as though it's a bad school. I wish people would take more pride in being a Kelloggsville Rocket. That's one thing that I would like to change about KHS.

  26. I think that we how people view Kelloggsville. Most are ashamed to be in it. Some actually want to end up in Discovery instead of attending KHS. I think they should just take pride in their school... although it would help if Kelloggsville actually ended when other schools end.

  27. Kelloggsville High School would be better if students actually cared about their grades and tried hard in school. Many students end up in Discovery and set a bad reputation for Kelloggsville. Also, many people laugh at others and make fun of them. If the bullying stopped we would have a much better environment.

  28. People should probably be more proud that they go to kelloggsville. Another thing would be to let people be who they want to be, and not shoot them down for it. Kelloggsville is not a bad school some of the students in the school aren't good, but the school is fine.

  29. I think people should take more pride in their school. People should try their best in school and achieve good grades.

  30. Many people do not have school pride when "Kelloggsville" happens to be mentioned in their conversations. More students should join a school sport to establish a better reputation for the school. Students should also try harder to keep their grades up to raise Kelloggsville's scores incredibly higher then other schools in the district. Too many of my peers have disappeared, it is awkward to ask someone if they moved, and getting an answer saying that they currently attend at Discovery now.

  31. I think k-ville kids need better attitudes about them and there classes.There required classes you have to take them so accept it.havi g a bad attitude gets you no where in life which isnt good at all

  32. I think that we should get more language classes, as an actual class. Online classes are hard!

  33. If I could change one thing about KHS it would have to be the pride that some students show about attending KHS. I've heard many students say they hate K-Ville and its the worst school ever and stuff like that but they should be proud of this school and proud to actually be in school unlike some kids that can not afford to be educated or just dont have time for school.

  34. If I could change one thing about kelloggsville it would be the lack of interest I nthe students. Not many of the kids here care about their school work or their grades. Students are constantly not completing homework and falling asleep in class. Tis is not fair to the other students who are at school to learn. These kids that don't care about school are taking all of the teacher's time. Those students who are good are not given equal attention

  35. If i could change something about kelloggsville it would be the lack of school pride students have. All i ever hear is how so many people dont like kelloggsville and they think its such a bad school. Honestly i dont see anything wrong with it. I love all my classes and the teachers are really nice and i stay involved with clubs and sports so its more fun that way. If students would just try to do more maybe they wouldnt think its that bad. Its not the school that has something wrong its the student that doesnt want to be involved with what the school has to offer to us.

  36. If I could change anything from KHS?...... I would to call people by their last names. I think people would be more respectful and it would prep us for the real world a little more. Also cause I saw it on a documentary that its more profecional than just using our first names.

  37. I would probably change the class sizes and make them smaller, and i would have a school uniform. It would make the students look more presentable instead of just out of prison

  38. I would probably change the amount of people in a class. I hate it when I a have so many people around me I have no space to breath. Also I hate how some people get to breeze through school and the people who work really hard get nothing. There nothing for those who score 100% on their test or someone who gets 55/50 on their project I mean sure they get the good grade but someone should do something small to make them feel special like we have student of the month why not like a random winner drawing. Everyone who gets a good grade on something should be able to be in the drawing and have a chance to win. I just think this school neglects those who work hard.

  39. One thing that I would like to change would be is the spirit weeks. It's always the same thing and that bores people so that's why many people don't do it at all. I think that it needs a change something interesting so people can actually look forward to spirit week. Maybe then everyone would would participate with the whole thing not just a couple people. I think that's the biggest thing I would to change about our school.

  40. If I could change one thing about Kelloggsville it would be.... Shorter lunch. If we had a shorter lunch we would be able to get out up to half an hour earlier, similar to Greenville Public Schools.
