Sunday, September 18, 2011


We are officially two weeks in.  What are your impressions of the year so far?  What are your impressions of the class?  Have expectations changed?  I'm going to pose questions on this blog that I genuinely want you to think about and answer.  Some of you will imagine that you are too cool to answer the questions.  Notice I used the word 'imagine', because 95% of the persona you try to achieve is in your head.  Most people find that the only people who they truly think of as 'cool' are those who have money/fame/success in their lives.  I guarantee you they didn't get there by trying to fit into a certain persona, they got there by working hard, being focused, and being unafraid to venture outside the box.  Even if stepping out of the box meant being on their own and making the 'right' (but not popular) decisions, they still stepped out.  Take a risk, be intellectual, be involved, participate, and most of all share your responses.  Success is yours for the taking, but you have to be willing to pursue, no matter the social pressures.


  1. My impression of the year so far is that it is going to be challenging with pre-calc, honors, and chem. There is going to be a lot of work and I need to find a balance to finish the work on time. I'm up for the challenge though. My imprressions of the class is that it will be a good class, very hands on with the labs, which is good. It seems like a good class to take to prepare you for college chem class. Taryn tells me how hard those are, haha. My expectations haven't really changed im still prepared for the work that comes with this class, and the fun that also comes. So my expectations haven't changed a whole lot for the class

  2. My impression of this year is that it's going to be difficult and challenging. However, I will pull through it. This class is going to be hard but at the same time a good learning experience and it will prepare us for college. I still have the same expectations for this class as I did before I was in it. I feel like it will be difficult but yet good year.

  3. My impression of the year so far is very stressing. I have too many activities going on at the same time. I just need to find time to study and do my homework. I thought Chemistry was going to be hard, but so far it isn't as stressing as my other classes. My expectations hasn't changed. I'm waiting for a few more weeks into school, cause I know they're going to be difficult.

  4. So far, my impression of this year is that it will be challenging, but in a good way, one in which it will help me prepare myself for college. Especially with me being in the Health Sciences Early College program, Calculus, Chem, & ELA Honors. Although, I believe that I can successfully get through it. As for my impression of Chemistry, in general, I believe that it will be hard, yet fun and I will keep up with the work. My expectations have not changed.

  5. I'm feeling that this school year will be increasingly difficult and my busiest year so far. I'll have to work harder than I have in a long time to keep my grades in check. I also have to learn how to better balance my early college class, ELA honors, pre-calculus, and chemistry all at the same time. Not to mention my objective to become more involved with school through volunteer work and such.

    Up until now the work in chemistry hasn't been challenging at all, but I predict that it'll definitely become more difficult. I expected that I'd be thrown with strenuous work in this class right when I walked in, haha. So yes, my expectations did alter within these past two weeks. Nonetheless I'm still prepared for whatever advances my way.

  6. This year will be one of my busiest, no doubt about that. I'll have to watch out since I tend to slack off. I believe that Chemistry is not really challenging right now. I also believe that you'll make it more difficult as the year progresses. My expectations haven't really changed. I honestly expected it to be more difficult.

  7. So far, my impression of the year is that it is VERY busy and there isn't a lot of time for resting, eating or anything, really. Also, this is the first year where I am kind of fearful that I will get sick, because I am sleeping far less than usual and doing far more work than usual.

    My impression of Chem I so far is that it demands much attention to detail, and the experiments and activities are more serious compared to previous years. I guess my impression of the class in the beginning to now has changed a little because I thought I was going to be really piled with homework, but so far, we haven't had that much. Other than that, it is basically what I had expected. Oh yeah, I didn't think the teacher would be as funny either, so that's always a plus.

  8. So far my impressions for this year are good, but I know its going to be hard with all my advanced classes. For this class my impressions are pretty good, I like it soo far and im excited to see what we are going to do throughout the year. My expectations havent really changed. Its still going to be a challenging year but im prepared to do whatever it takes to do good this year in all of my classes.

  9. I'm going to have to try a lot more this year than any other year that I have had before. The class is definitely going to be hard, I don't know whether physics, or chemistry is harder, but the teachers aren't bad

  10. My impression of this year, so far I think I will have more fun with this year then I have throughout all of high school. I can tell which classes will be easy and which will require the utmost importance. My easy classes will be Psychology and Art.
    I think my biggest challenge is going to be Chemistry. When I took physical science the Chemistry unit we did I didn't do so well on. However the atmosphere of the class room is low key and welcoming so with that sort of environment I think I'll be ok.

  11. This is what i think! Everyone says there classes are going to be hard, including this one, and I believe that it will. But after time it won't be crazy hard, we will just get into a grove and every now and than we will get a stupid project/test from you or any other teacher.

    The first couple weeks we still don't know whats harder or not because all we are doing is review.

  12. This class has been easy so far, but it will get more difficult every week. I will just have to try my best and study more often.

  13. This year is going to be challenging for me, I think. The expectations have changed and I'm going to give up my procrastination habit. This class should be fun though. It'll be challenging and not boring, which is a relief.

  14. This year is ok so far..could be better but still the start. So far this class to me is easy but all class start out easy then become hard after the first month. Ima try my best and also hope for the best this year

  15. My impression of this year is that it's definitely going to be one of the hardest classes that I have, & that im going to have to stay focused. My impression of the class is that its going to be interesting & that we're going to get to do a lot of experiments that I wouldn't have gotten to do taking ChemCom or Physics. My expectations have not changed I knew coming into the class that it was going to be difficult & that is the same thing i think now.

  16. My impression for this year is that its going to be veryy busy because of school and work. My impression of the class is that its going to be challenging but it can be accomplished if you do what needs to be done and try your best. My expectations haven't really changed, at least not yet.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My impression of this year is that its going to be challenging. My impression of this class is that hard, but if I focus I think I will do good in this class. My expectations for this class have not changed.

  19. My impression of this year is that there will be a lot more responsibilities. My classes are all harder, and a lot of life decisions are happening. There are a lot of pressures out there, and this is the first year I've actually had to deal with them.

  20. My impression of this year is that it will be challenging and somewhat stressful. I have advance and honor classes so i will have lots of homework. My impression of this class is that it will be fun but it will also be lots of work. My expectations for this class have not changed.

  21. My impression for this year is that it is going to be quite a challenging year. I have to try and balance between sports, Chemistry, Anatomy, honors Ela and Pre-calc.
    So far, this particular class hasn't been difficult at all. I was honestly expecting more homework, but I've been told that it will accumulate as the year proceeds. However, there is still some work, it's just not that difficult. My expectations have changed.

  22. My impression for this year is that it is going to be harder than my previous years in high school. I have my difficult classes that I have to stay caught up in, while still in other extracurricular activities. I think that. Long as I pay attention in this class and make sure I am completing all of my assignments I should not have much of a problem in this class. I think that my expectation have stayed the same so far this year, but that is mainly because I had a sibling that took this class and was able to tell me what it might be like

  23. My impression of this year is that it will be the same as most years my classes will be easy and I'll get A's and a B or two. I think this class will be interesting and different but it'll be fun.

  24. My impression of the year is that I can already tell the level of difficulty is going to increase very fast. Ive always heard your junor year is the hardest year, and I'm starting to believe it now. As for the class, I like it so far. The work has not been too challenging, and I'm excited to do labs in the future. This is a class I actually pay attention in, which I never really do. My expectations have not really changed that much.

  25. My expectations for the school year are okay so far everything seems to be going good i'm trying to get a little more in to the school activites. My expectations for this class are that it will be challenge for me but I'm gonna try my best. All my expectations are pretty much the same and I don't think they'll change at all.

  26. My expectations for the year are good. I think it's going to be a fun year but kinda hard because of a few classes. My impressions for this class are that it will be hard but as long as I pay attention it shouldn't be too bad, and I think it'll be kinda fun(: My expectations haven't changed for this class.

  27. My impressions of the year so far are good I feel as though im going to do really well in all my classes. My impressions of this class so far are good and I think that it is the hardest class I have but I think I will pull through and have an excellent year in this class

  28. test from tech support

  29. So far, my impressions of this year are just like any other year. The classes are definitely going to be challenging and I will have to work extremely hard to accomplish all that I want to before graduation. As for Chemistry, I can tell that it is not going to be like Physics where I favored the homework and loved taking notes. Chemistry is going to be the class that I will have no choice but to struggle in. Before school started I had expected to take more than the required amount of classes, stay up hours beyond hours to finish homework, study, and be prepared to go above and beyond in my studies, but now that the year has actually started, I have not met my expectations due to being so overwhelmed with trying to do more than I am capable of. I feel that by the end of the year, though, things will work out and my success in Chemistry, and all other classes, will not necessarily reach what I am hoping for, but will please me in the end.

  30. My impression of the year so far, is that it will be a very challenging year due to the classes I am enrolled in. The impression of my classes is that though they may be tough, they will be tons of fun and a great learning experience for me at the same time. My expectations for the class overall, hasn't changed. I am still looking forward to doing all the work and I am ready to be challenged.

  31. If you cant get my name its Jasmine Moore though I know I'm stating the obvious! Already I am kind of wanting to have a break. I don’t know why I think I'm just overwhelmed at the moment and I'm hoping that this feeling will pass very soon. But, so far my impression of school is stressing and I’m not only talking about school. This year I'm finding out who my true friends are. School is easy, boring, and definitely more challenging than last year was. For chemistry class I'm very eager to get into experiments and I think everyone in our class gets along well enough. This class looks like it is going to be one of my favorite not only because we can socialize and listen to our ipods but that we can work hands on. Yes expectations has changed in two of my classes which has made them even harder. My expectations of my grades however are always the same. And I hope the year gets easier just easy enough to not stress over all of my assignments.

  32. Yeah, considering the fact that it's Chemistry-- at first I wasn't so hyped for the idea simply because the idea of needing to do needlessly stretched out projects and experiments (long-term stuff simply isn't my thing, see). But whatever, cause Patin seems like a guy who knows what he's doing, for better and for worse (worse as in the days when US THE STUDENTS "insist" we don't know). Baby steps are being taken so far and since I seem to be safely going on with the ride, maybe the class won't be as tediously slow as I first thought. Note that that's all the hope I can muster for this class-- enough to say "maybe".

  33. Two weeks of school has already past like it was nothing, but in those 2 week were large amounts of school work and homework. My impression so far of this school year is that it's gonna actually be fun, but not doubt its gonna be hard. On the first day of school i wasn't really looking forward to chemistry, not because I thought it was hard but I just disliked Science, but it turns out I kinda like the class. Mr. Patin doesn't seem as mean in the class as when walking down the hall seeing him. And my expectations haven't really changed much. Its gonna be a OK year...

  34. My impressions of the year so far are really good!! I love the teachers I have and also the classes that I have. Last year, I didn't put a ton of effort into my school work, but this year I am motivated to do my best! So I believe that this year will be really easy for me! This class seems like a lot of fun, so I am excited to be in this class. I heard a few things about you, but mostly that you're a really good teacher and that you're also funny! No, my expectations haven't changed. So I feel like this year is going to be a good year for me.

  35. Freshman year, I did not do as well as I wanted to. I definitely regret it and know that this year, as a Sophomore, I will have to work extremely hard. I must get rid of my terrible procrastination habit, because I WILL get all A's this year. During the second week of school, I was already assigned an essay and given several quizzes/tests. It will only get worse as the year progresses. I know Chemistry is difficult and Science is not my greatest subject, so I just hope I do well.

  36. This school year has been very crazY!!!!!! With homework everyday and sports I've got hardly any time to do anything else. I thought it was going to be a little easy but was that dead wrong. Chemistry is so far an ok class the test about the lab objects is crazy!!!! I know where suppose to know them but seriously why don't we have a test on it when we use it. On the bright side your a fun teacher and very funny :) My expectation changed so much I thought last year was hard this year is even more crazy. I'm in 10th grade and life is to bundled together. Everything is going on at the same time its amazing I get anything done.
    -kaylie :)

  37. Honestly, I'm terrified. Thinking back, I never realized how easy my freshman year was. I did extremely well without even thinking about it. Just two weeks into this year, I have been PILED with work. It's only been this long, but I am already stressed out. All of my advanced/honors classes are really difficult, and you have to do so much to prove you really deserve to be in the class. Last year, I was rank 1 in my class, but this year, I feel like I'll be at rank 248758324. Chemistry seems to be one of the toughest subjects for me, and I really want to do well. School has never stressed me out like this before, and I can only imagine how much harder it will get. I thought that school would be simple, like it was last year, but I now know that there's barely a day when no homework is given. I. Am. Petrified.

  38. My overall impression of this year thus far is BUSY BUSY BUSY! My plate is so full of stuff. My impression of this class so far is that for now it seems easy but I know it will get a lot tougher. My expectations of this year have grown, now seeing my schedule so busy. It is going to be a very tough year.

  39. My impression this far is that this class can go either one of two ways, really good or really bad. I feel that if i stay focused and keep the right mindset I will continue to be successful, not only in the classroom but also in life. I hope to soak up all the knowledge that you will be throwing our way and use it as a tool to get where I would like to be in life.

  40. My impression of my sophomore year this far is stressful! I barely have time to do any homework between school, volleyball, and band. Though it's stressful, I've been having fun too. My impression of this class is okay. Its not hard and pretty interesting. Even though it's not a lot of work now, as the year continues, the work load will probably increase. My expectations haven't changed that much since school started. I expected this year to be a lot of work, and so far it has been proven true. The only expectation that changed was how I expected the classes to be boring. However, the classes were better and more fun than I expected them to be. This school year will be great.

  41. My impression of my junior so far is going good. It's kind of a challenge in this class but I can take it. My impression of this class is that I'm understanding it more than i could understand my other science classes. I make sure I study the things I can't understand in the book when I get home. I'm expecting that this class get somewhat easier for me and not so tuff, but so far is going really good.

  42. My Freshman year was pretty easy. Sophomore year, I'm expecting, will not. I expect this class will get fun and exciting once the labs start. My expectations haven't changed so far through the first couple weeks. This seems like it will be a long year.

  43. Good comments by everyone! I enjoyed the original post as well.

  44. My impressions of this year so far is that it it not very difficult. Though, I know that the beginning of the school year is always review in every class. My expectations have not changed, I still expect chemistry to be one of my most difficult classes. I will be lookig forward to the challenge!

  45. I expect this year to be very challenging, but I know it is something that i will be able to handle. I will be very busy and stressed all the time, but I know it is something i will thank myself for later. I made my schedule very difficult this year, but only because I know that, with a lot of hard work, I will be able to deal with it and because it will benefit me.
    I expect this class to also be difficult, but I believe that I will do well in this class with a lot of hard work also. I am quite scared for this class, but I know that it will help me in my future.
    Overall, this year should be exceptionally challenging for me. However, I know that it is a challenge i can, and will, rise to. I know that my year will consist of many sacrifices, but they are all for the greater good of my future. :)

  46. My impresions of this year are that it will be fun. I will probaly actually have to do my homework, and even study for tests. I think that this year will go good because I have college to worry about so I will be excited to work on getting there. I'm worried though that the ACT's will be hard and challeging, but when this year is done it will be smooth sailing senior year. This is my impression of my Junior year. :)

  47. My impression of this year is that it's going to be very difficult. Science is not my strongest subject, but hopefully Chemistry is different from all my other science classes I've had throughout the years. Your jokes make the class fun, so keep up the good work. The homework sucks, but I'll do it. Nothing else to complain about really. This class will be a great experience.

  48. My impression of this year is that it's going to be challenging. I've heard your Junior year is your hardest and it scares me. As for this class, I have always done well in my science classes so I'm not to concerned, but you never know.

  49. My impression of this year so far is that it's a lot different than last year. I can't really explain it but things just seem that way. There hasn't been a ton of homework assigned in many classes but I'm SURE that will change. I'm actually really enjoying this year so far and all of my teachers I have. My impression of this class so far is that, yeah were starting off pretty easy but that's all going to change really quick. Considering everything I've heard about this class from last year. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm dreading a lot of stuff. Science is my worst subject so be prepared for me to ask A LOT of questions :)My impression of this year so far is that it's a lot different than last year. I can't really explain it but things just seem that way. There hasn't been a ton of homework assigned in many classes but I'm SURE that will change. I'm actually really enjoying this year so far and all of my teachers I have. My impression of this class so far is that, yeah were starting off pretty easy but that's all going to change really quick. Considering everything I've heard about this class from last year. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I'm dreading a lot of stuff. Science is my worst subject so be prepared for me to ask A LOT of questions :)

  50. My impression of this year is that it's really easy to have good grades as long as I keep top of my classes. Also it's really easy to fail if I don't stay on top of my classes. Of the class of Mr.Patin I think it"s going to be kind of difficult thats why "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Now, the last thing to hope is that every thing goes smooth and easy. :)

  51. I like the class so far:) I think the rest of the year is going to be really fun but also a lot of work:/ I didn't really have any prior expectations of this class but I think that if you don't feel chanllenged your probably not putting your all in this class...And just passing by not really caring...I'm planning on getting a very great grade in this class;))

  52. so far i think the class is going to be fun and that i'm going to have to take the class seriously if I expect to pass. My expectations haven't changed for the class.

  53. My impression of this school year is that it's going to be fun but I'm kinda nervous about the ACT's. As for this class, its going to be hard from what I heard but I'm going to try my hardest and pass the class. So far my expectations have stayed the same.

  54. My impression of the year is that it's going to be rough. I thought this class would be the hardest but so far I have say it's Pre-Calc I have to watch out for. My expectations have changed, simply because I am in three honors classes and I now have to actually go home and do homework.

  55. I think that the school year will go as planned. As in I will make sure I pass and then graduate with flying colors. Although it is kind of shaky in your class right now, but I will make sure I pass. That is my impression of the school year.

  56. I know this is late, but Chemistry to me has been easier than I expected. Some of the work is hard, but thats going to be expected. I love this class, I love the atmosphere and the challenges. With hard work, I know that I will pass.
