Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What do Chemists do?

Chemistry is everywhere, and constantly being used to develop new technology.  Read the article posted below and discuss where this would be useful?

Don't just post the obvious.  Use deep intellectual thought.  Go beyond the surface.

You must make one observation and respond to one other post.  If you are the first to post, you only need to make one observation and ask question for your classmates to respond to.

Self-Cleaning Cotton Breaks Down Pesticides, Bacteria

ScienceDaily (Sep. 29, 2011) — UC Davis scientists have developed a self-cleaning cotton fabric that can kill bacteria and break down toxic chemicals such as pesticide residues when exposed to light.
"The new fabric has potential applications in biological and chemical protective clothing for health care, food processing and farmworkers, as well as military personnel," said Ning Liu, who conducted the work as a doctoral student in Professor Gang Sun's group in the UC Davis Division of Textiles of Clothing.
A paper describing the work was published Sept. 1 in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.
Liu developed a method to incorporate a compound known as 2-anthraquinone carboxylic acid, or 2-AQC, into cotton fabrics. This chemical bonds strongly to the cellulose in cotton, making it difficult to wash off, unlike current self-cleaning agents. Unlike some other experimental agents that have been applied to cotton, it does not affect the properties of the fabric.
When exposed to light, 2-AQC produces so-called reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide, which kill bacteria and break down organic compounds such as pesticides and other toxins.
Although 2-AQC is more expensive than other compounds, the researchers say that cheaper equivalents are available.
The work was funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Jastro Shields Graduate Research Fellowship from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.



  1. I think that this new cotton would be useful in hospitals and nursing homes today. If it can break down bacteria people that are sick can probably prolong or preserve their life in a way because most people die from bacteria and toxins. My question is if they use the cheaper equivalent of AQC would it react the same way?

  2. I think this new cotton would be a good idea because it would be useful for people. They could live better because it would probably break down bacteria. Also, I don;t know if the cheaper AQC would react the same way. It may be a little different than the original, expensive AQC.

  3. This new cotton could be useful in cue tip manufacturing because it would not just remove the yucky bacteria that may be in there, but also it would kill it. It may also be helpful in some sort of lawncare business because of its pesticide-killing capabilities.
    I'm not sure if the cheaper AQC would react the same way, but I think it would as long as it contains similar chemicals, and I'm sure the price will drop after a while. It may take a while, though.

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  5. I think that the new cotton could be very useful in the farming industries. When crops are being grown, farmers often use pesticides to keep bugs from eating them. When the crops get to stores, you can sometimes still taste the pesticides on them. So, if the companies that transfer crops from farms to stores could get ahold of this fabric, they would be able to put a lot of use to it and its pesticide-killing agents. I would also agree with the others, if there were a cheaper alternative, I'm not sure that it would react the same way.

  6. I believe that this new cotton could be very helpful in many ways. It would be very helpful to medics in the military for a quick cleanup durring combat. I dont think that the cheaper 2-AQC would react the same way because everything thats more expensive tends to work better or longer.

  7. The new cotton would be helpful in many fields. In hospitals it can kill the bacteria on them so they don't pass the bacteria on. Also they can use it with bandages so bacteria won't affect the wound. Like what the others have said so far, I don't think the cheaper AQC will have the same effect, so the more expensive one would be the better way to go.

  8. I think the cotton fabric would be quite useful for farmers, like Liu mentioned. Working around/in such dirty objects/conditions gets messy, and the fabric would be able to remove toxics and pesticides.
    I agree with Kaitlyn and Seth about the cheaper AQC. Objects are known to be low quality when they are not as expensive as the popular objects. If the AQC was produced differently, it could have different reactions.

  9. This new cotton idea seems to be a very well thought out one. The fact that it can kill bacteria by itself can be very useful to people in general. It can also break down dangerous chemicals which is a very good aspect to farmers and planters. I agree with Seth about the usefulness to lawn care businesses. The new cotton would be very helpful for anyone in these businesses, and all people overall.

  10. Let's change the question up a bit. Pose or own question about the material. Over the long term, even with the expense, do you think this fabric would be cost effective in the fields mentioned in the previous comments?

  11. Farming would be a big thing with this so that the bacteria cant eat the cotton before or after it is done growing so I agree with Kayla 100%. Great minds think alike :P I do believe it would be cost effective over time because we will find newer, cheaper ways to manufacture it.

  12. The fabric could make good surgical masks so sick people aren't breathing in the bacteria they cough up. The materials could work the same no matter what the cost difference is. Does the light that it's exposed to have to be natural sunlight for it to work?

  13. I think this is an awesome idea in the future. It would benefit us and our well-being. This cotton stuff would do excellent in hospitals today. My question is how would it react?

  14. This new discovery is increfibly useful. Self-cleaning cottons will improve the health department greatly. Hospitals can change their current materials to the new cotton so people wont get sick easily. Although 2-AQC are expensive, it would be more effective than the cheaper version.

  15. The new cotton is a great idea.... but I'm not sure if it would be cost efficient. Sure, it is extremely useful... but the expense keeps it from being used in the place of our current anti-biotics. It just seems silly with the current economy. Have they even tested this with people yet... Could it possibly be harmful to people? I mean, if it can break down bacteria, how do we know it won't harm us?.... Just a thought.

  16. The new cotton is amazing. This discovery could help out the world tremendously. The cotton would be great for people in Africa since they are out in the sun all the time. Plus they aren't able to shower all the time, so the cotton would help them not to be susceptible to viruses and diseases. I agree with Linh 1,000,000,000 percent. It so would be able to help farmers and lawncare.

  17. I think this new cotton idea is really great. This could be used to improve so many different things. Especially in the hospitals that would help with getting rid of the spread of germs. This could even prevent people from getting sick which would be a great improvement. The cotton also bein self cleaning is a opportuinity we should take advantage of in our clothes.

  18. It would be very cost effective in all the listed fields because each one cab benefit in great ways. In the farm field, though they don't have a lot of money, what it would cost to get fabric materials to keep you safe would be cheap in the long run because you won't get as sick as if you weren't protected. In the medical field, it will be worth the money because it would get you more immuned to all the bacterias and toxians in the air to keep you healthy.

  19. I think that this would be a convient idea for people at like hospitals and such. It would also help farmers gain money so it seems like a pretty good idea to me. Although it seems like a good idea, how expensive would it be? How long would it last?

  20. I think this new cotton would be beneficial to hospitals and farmers. The poor farmers could make it worth more money than regular cotton and make some money. In hospitals, they could use the cotton to clean a wound so there wouldn't be any bacteria in the wound. They could also make Q-tips from it so it could clean the bacteria out of their ears. What I wonder is would hospitals find a way to make a profit out of this new cotton.

  21. I think that this cotton idea could help american in many different ways. One in hospitals. Cotton production would increase a lot and economy would get better over the years.

    How much cotton can be maxxed ptoduce? Idk

  22. I think that in the long run, the cotton will be used for many different things and will probably also be very costly. My question is would scientists be able to add the anthraquinone carboxylic acids to other crops or fabrics, and would it have fhe same effect?

  23. I find that it's a pretty great and fascinating topic that ups the ante on the science and medical world. The more layman terms is on just how it can apply in terms of the economy, whether or not it can be able to prosper efficiently or if it will be costly or even risky. Because to put it frankly: the more expensive it is, the less likely a chance it'll have of.. "really getting out there" u catch my drift?

  24. The cotton fabric would give people so many benefits and help the environment in many aspects. It would allow lawn workers or farmers with it's pesticide killing abilities. It would also help many household, work field, and food processor jobs by getting rid of the bacteria that may potentially be harmful. This specialized products, though, would be very limited and may have a high cost due to its quality and availability.

  25. This specific type of cotton would be very useful in medical facilities in order to reduce the chances of infections due to bacteria. It would also be useful in military infirmaries because in many cases, the injured are forced into amputation because of bacterial infections.

    The biggest obstacle I see is the fact that because of the cost, the cotton may not be available to those who are in great need of it, i.e. the military and public clinics in poorer countries.
    It's likely that the cotton will only be available to businesses/organizations who can afford it, since the bills/taxes of the people will rise if this product becomes a staple in hospitals, corporate farms, military infirmaries, etc.

  26. The cotton would be very useful in the medical field, most likely hospitals that have patients that have bacteria infections because that way their wounds can be cleaned. So, I agree with all those that believes that the cotton would be useful in places that provide health services.
    Cost would definitely be an issue,like Julia already said. If there it is scarce, then the price would go up because many consumers would want to buy the product.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. If anything, it should be used in medical fields. There are so many bacteria and diseases there. However, there are many others ways to use it. All I can think of evolve around medical and health.
    What I want to know is are there any ways the materials affect you or your skin or are they going to cause new diseases?

  29. The cotton is a great idea that will benefit people and society a lot. In hospitals it can help fight off diseases. germs, and common illnesses. If you are in the army it can even benefit there. If the country is not healthy then it is a danger to the people. The environment would not be fit for any life form and it would be easy to contract diseases. But, if they had the cotton it could kill the toxins and diseases and stay safe. The most obvious way that the cotton will benefit people is with farming. Farmers could use it and it would hopefully take out the pesticides used on the crops. I agree with Tanika saying that if this AQU is too expensive then what other source would they use? And if the other source would have the same results. My question is would this new cotton create new problems for people? Such as new diseases or being too strong or delicate skin.

  30. This will cut out the use of pesticides and yet still keep the pests away. That will save money in the long term. also, it's hard to wash off, so you would only have to do this once a season, compared to once a month for the pesticides. My question is, what if the pests learn to get through the pesticides. If they adapt and it no longer affects them, what will the farmers do then?

  31. This material might be a trojan horse, though, if you really think about it. A lot of bacteria is good for people, so would the cloth be able to differentiate? Also, exposure to different elements helps people build an immunity to things. If people were to stop being exposed to viruses and the like we would become dependent on the cloth. If, for some reason, none of this chemical was no longer available then plague-like proportions could occur due to a simple cold virus. I agree with Jasmine Moore (Jazz Mo) that the cloth would be a great benefit to farmers. I think that people should keep in mind that things aren't always as they seem.

  32. This new cotton fabric appears to be very useful. It'd be highly beneficial in numerous ways, such as in medical and industrial fields. If it's used in Hospitals, it could help prevent the spread of bacterial infections and keep patients healthy. If it's used in bandages, it would allow the wound to heal quicker, for no bacteria would be allowed in.
    In the Industrial field, it would be beneficial because it would be less harmful to he plants and crops, and lower the usage of pesticides.
    However, how readily available will this product be? How long would it actually last? The cheaper version will definitely not be nearly as affective as the more expensive one.

  33. This new cotton fabric would be very beneficial in the medical field and workers what work in dangerous conditions that expose them to dangerous bacteria or chemicals. The cotton would be able to keep medical personals sterile and would shorten the time between treating patients.
    For farmers, the cleaning cotton would be helpful to them also. It would lessen the chance for pesticides to be spread where they do not belong like in food and in the home.
    How expensive would this new product be? Will it be available to the public? How well will it preform if its the cheaper version rather than the expensive?

  34. I thik this is a wonderful idea. Keeping the fabric clean so people can stay clean. Even thought it might be a bad idea because it will keep us to clean and we won't be able to immune against diseases. But the fabric would be popular in children and people alergic to things in the enviroment.

  35. I think that it's a good idea because You don't know when you get unhealthy stuff on you especially bacteria cause you can't see it so if the fabric cleans itself it can keep people healthier. I agree that it is very good for kids with allergies.

  36. This new cotten would be extremely helpful in very sterile places like the hospital or even a gym where people sweat. I think the idea is great but would be difficult to exacute. The 2-QAC requires a lot of money and space to be able to be usefull. For example the cloth need needs sunlight to clean but normally we keep towels in dark closets or racks. If hospital want to use it they would need to build a glass room and keep the towels spread apart. Also the chemical is quite expenaive and would the replacement chemical work well enough. I also disagree with tram when she said that it would be a cheap replacement. With all the towels we use now it would be a waste to throw away those. In my opinon it is not worth producing unless the cleaning method is more effective.

  37. I think that this new fabric will be very useful in sterile places, such as hospitals, doctor's offices, and nursing homes. It will be helpful because in these places, the patients already have low immune systems. Tis fabric will stop the spread of gerrms, which will lead to a Healthier environment. I like the face that they are also offering a cheaper alternative of the fabric. My question is how did they test this new fabric? What kind of environment did they test it in?

  38. I believe that the new cotton would be an excellent product used in harsh work environments and hospitals to lower the spread of disease... It would also cut back on the use of pesticides therefore creating a healthier environment.

  39. The new cotton would be a good idea for hospitals, nursing homes, dentist offices, even at home and much more. The fact that it kills bacteria itself is quite amazing, that could help keep the world around us much more sanitary for everyone.

  40. It would be great for those with immune systems weakened by illness like victims of HIV and cancer, they would then have less contact with bacteria making them less susceptible to illness.

  41. This new cotton would be great for the health field because doctors and nurses get a lot of bacteria on them each day. The new cotton will help keep the hospital cleaner by not spreading so much bacteria. As doctors and nurses are trying to treat their patients they are spreading a lot of bacteria by being exposed to many different kinds of things

  42. I think this fabric would help in the farming industry. Famers use bug pesticides to keep bugs from eating their plants. This leads to the foods farmers grow tasting like pesticides. So if farmers had this fabric they could use it to help grow and make taste better.

  43. I think that the cotton will be very beneficial in the health and medical fields. Especially if someones immune system is low then this could help stop the spread of even more germs to them. it is also beneficial in the industrial field because this would lower the use of pesticides on crops. I want to know how long this cotton would last and how much it would cost to ship around the country?

  44. I think this fabric would be very useful in the science field, I think it would be very useful for doing experiments having to do with highly flammable substances, and other dangerous, harmful chemicals.

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  46. It would be useful places like nursing homes,hospital,and stores basically any area where people can be sick and spread germs and bacteria. It could also help the farming industry too!

  47. I think the new cotton would be very useful in all aspects of life, especially in hospitals because it can help people who are sick because of ill causing bacteria since the cotton helps breaks them down.

  48. The cotton would be useful in hospitals but not just hospitals. The places of use are endless it could be used anywhere bacteria is and is spread.

  49. This new cotton is incredibly amazing!!!!! Using something that is cheap, but also help the sick and hurting is a miracle. While keeping the patients healthy, it also keeps the Doctors and Nurses sterilized.
