Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where will you be?

One major obstacle impeding ones chance of success is short sightedness.  A high school teacher I used to know said that he got out of teaching because he was tired of students "not looking past the end of their nose."

Where will you be in 5 years??  What college will you choose?  What factors influenced these choices?

Post by 7am Monday (10/31) morning for full Credit. 

Be Honest, Be willing to share, Be willing to take a risk.


  1. As of right now. Im trying my best to get the best possible grade in high school. In 5 years, I'm hoping to go The University Of Michigan. I will major in Medicine and be a Pharmacist. The factors that influenced my choice was, how nice the school was and how good the health program at UM is. I also choose this job, because it can get me a lot of money for my parents. :D

  2. In five years, I will still be in college. The college I'll be in is U of M. Michigan University is one of the best colleges in the U.S. I plan to be a pharmacist so I need to attend college for six long years. The fact that I love science and medicine influenced my decisions. I also want a lot of money for my family and becoming a pharmacist will fulfill that goal.

  3. My plan in the next 5 years is to go to Michigan state for a college degree in radiology. Michigan state is one of the few colleges that provides radiology, but I'm not 100% sure if that is the specialty I'm going into. So I really hope to be some sort of doctor, I believe my family and cousins influenced be into going into medicine. A lot of my cousins are currently in school for medicine and I want to follow them.

  4. I have always loved animals since I was little. So I thought why not be a vetrinarian. In five years I see myself in Michigan state university in the vet program. ALso I could never figure out what I wanted to be when I was littler but when I got to high school I decided to be a veterinarian. So going to a program at grand valley then transferring to msu I had my plan for my future mapped out.

  5. In five years I see myself possibly still college taking a course in baking and in culinary arts. I would like to go to this one college that's located in Chicago. I've always enjoyed baking and cooking and I would love to learn so much more.

  6. As of now in 5 years I plan to still be in college. I will be going to either Ohio state,Michigan state, or Northern Kentucky. Those are my colleges of choice but I am not completely sure that will follow through. I would like my major to be some where in the medical field and my minor to be in cosmetics. So far that's all I've got I like not to think too far ahead and live for the moment. I plan to achieve these goals by keeping my grades up in school and doing well on my ACT test and taking the SAT next year.

  7. In 5 years plan to still be in college or finishing up college. The college I want to go to first is GRCC and then after that a college that could help me in being a doctor. My grades have and will influence this and how I act or do. Many things could effect why I get into college, including criminal record (I don't have one), my manners, the ACT, ect.

  8. In 5 years I'll be about 20. I will be attending college at GVSU. If I do not go to GVSU, hopefully it is MSU or another decent college in Michigan. My oldest sister currently attends GVSU and wants to make it a family tradition for all of us to go to college there. Although I would love to keep it going, a part of me wants to be different & fulfill my dreams somewhere else. OH YEAH- I forgot to mention that I'll be studying Pharmacy. :) Ever since I was young, Walgreens' pharmacists always fascinated me. Also, my Asian parents think it's wonderful that I'm doing something in the medical field.

  9. In five years I hope to be at Michigan State studying Criminal Justice. I don't really know what influenced my decision. I am really interested in law and I know I want my future career to revolve around that and helping victims.

  10. In five years, I'll most likely be at GVSU finishing up my Bachelor's degree in...? I don't know yet. If not GVSU, then I'll probably be at the University of Michigan. I think what originally influenced me to choose GVSU was the closeness to my family and friends, and also the numerous visits that I've paid over the years for school activities, concerts, field trips, etc. always left me impressed. But, what has influenced me to go there now, especially, is the fact that my brother and a few other grads from the class of 2011 are attending and I've hung out with them and it's fun. I just don't know what I'm going into yet, so I may transfer after my first two years. We'll see.

  11. To be completely honest, in five years I still see myself at home. I've always had a dream of going to college and becoming either a successful social worker or one heck of a marine biologist, but I have to face reality and realize that the grades and the luck just aren't there.
    Going to college would be the start of the rest of my life and would allow me to live life in a more optimistic, hopeful way, but, let's face it, I'm not smart enough or talented enough to get into college. Though I will apply to a few colleges and see where that goes, my chances are slim to none. It's all about being realistic and knowing what you're capable of.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Before, I say anything about the future, let me be completely honest by saying that since I was in 3rd grade, my dream has been to become a successful and respected doctor. Although, I am still undecided about what college I will be attending because I am trying to find the college (University) that has the best Health Program. I'm leaning towards GVSU, Wayne State University, & MSU.
    Anyway, in five years, I will still be in college or/& on my way into Medical School. This is because I want to be a doctor, which I will accomplish. My interest for helping those who are sick and need medical attention has influenced my decision. I love science, which includes Chemistry, & I like Math, which will be of some help for my career. I will spend at least 8 years in school, not including the 4-5 years of residency, before actually becoming a doctor, but I am up for it.

  14. I see myself in college in 5 years. I will start at GRCC and will probably go to wayne state but i ma not 100% sure yet.

  15. I'm completely unsure about what I want to do in my life but in five years I see myself as a kick butt shapeshifter that is half Fae and a quarter wood nymph. I will also be going to college at GRCC to get my core credits out of the way. There is so much influencing my choice. I don't know which college is best for whatever it is I will want to do in the future but I feel like it will be something artsy or something that is really peaceful. Maybe a mortician or a witch doctor...whatever that entails...

  16. I'm not sure where I would be, or what college I will go to after I get my ACT results I will decide which college I will go to. I also don know what career path I want to take hopefully I will make up my mind by senior year

  17. In five years, I see myself in college. The ACT will affect my plan for sure. For now, I hope to attend the Culinary Institute of America or Le Cordon Bleu. We will see as time goes on.

  18. In five years i will be at college getting my degree in whatever I deside to pursue as my career. Im hoping to become a lawyer but not sure yet. Im seconding guessing it because I dont really want to be in a office all the time... But ive always wanted to be a zoologist so I might try to pursue that instead. MSU has a great zoology program but I dont think I could go there if im a U of M fan haha. But what influenced me was my love for animals so that might be a great career for me. If those dont work out tho I would be a therapist because i love helping others with their problems(:

  19. In five years I see myself in school. Where? I don't know as of this moment in time. Probably GVSU, or Oakland. I would like to go somewhere far but my fear of driving leaves me trying to stay close to home without actually being home. I hope to study Social work, or Public speaking. What influenced my decision? People at kville, such as my peers, and teachers. Ms. Koza is definitely one of my greater influences. I look up to her. However, people like the Jews in the holocaust, or the South Africans during the apartheid, influence me to go into Public Speaking and stand up for something. Something I am really passionate about. That is my life story.

  20. In five years I will still be in school, mostly likely at GVSU because its close and that way I don't have to spend extra money on housing and still be close to my family and be able to spend time with them. I don't know what to go into in school, I have no idea what job I want.

  21. In five years I see myself at Michigan State University or another great collage for the vet program. I have always wanted to be a vetrinarian or a doctor because I love helping animals and people. Jasmine Moore and I have been wanting to go to collage together then start a vets office together. We both want to be a vetrinarians so we think it is a great idea.

  22. In five years I see myself in college. I am not one hundred percent sure where I want to start out, but I plan on going to medical school to become a brain surgeon. I want to start out college somewhere relatively close to home, but I plan on transferring out of the state sooner or later. This is because I honestly don't see any great opportunities here in Michigan for me. I have recently been looking into MSU to start off, but I would ultimately LOVE to end up studying in California, possibly at UCLA. I hate thinking about leaving my family, but I know it's what would be best for me, leading me to become more successful later on in life. I do, however, plan to relocate my family as soon as possible. I would love for them all to come out and live with me once I become a successful surgeon. :)

  23. Five years from now I see myself at GVSU or MSU studying to either be a teacher, accountant, or something in the criminal justice branch. My parents influenced these choices because they constantly push me to be the best I can be and to go to college.

  24. In 5 years I hope to be graduated from a good four yeah school and maybe going to grad school to maybe enter the medical field...... im not sure where I want to go to school but I know I do not want to go to a big school like MSU of U of M but maybe a private college. Some factors that could infulence my choice of school is if I want to swim, price and location. I just want the best education that suits me. :)

  25. In five years, I hope to see myself in college. I'm not sure where I will go yet, but probably GRCC. I don't need to spend a lot of money on college, so I'll probably just go to GRCC, where my sister goes. I'm not even sure yet what I want to go to college for. I hope to figure it out soon. So that's the only reason why I say I might be going to GRCC. Nothing special. Just easy and simple. That's basically what influenced me to decide on that. That's where I hope to see myself in five years. :)

  26. In five years, I can see myself following in my brother's footsteps to the University of Michigan, hopefully majoring in the health field. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to become a pediatrician or nurse of some sort. Because I have always loved kids, I believe that being a pediatrician would both fit my interest and be a successful career choice. Getting here will be difficult, but as long as I do my best I'm sure I can do well. Once I graduate from college, a job from the health field would definitely fit my interest.

  27. In 5 years, I honestly don't know where I'll be. I don't really like to plan ahead, I like to live in the moment. There is a possibility I will be a Ferris, but for now that is all I have, nobody has influenced me on where to go.

  28. In 5 years, I will probably be done with college, and be taking a medical program.I'm not sure yet what college I will attend, I'm deciding between in or out of state. I plan to become a RN because I really like helping people and especially if it's related to their health. I am really interested in the medical field, so if I don't become a RN it will deffinatly be something in the medical field.

  29. Ok, I know I'm a little late on this but, in five years I see myself either at West Point studying to become an officer in the army, or at some university or another majoring in Psychology. Psychology has always interested me. I want to know how the human brain thinks and functions.

  30. In 5 years, I plan to be at Wayne State University. However, I am not sure what I want to study. My grades influence my decision because I need to get good grades in order to get into this college.

  31. Sorry I'm a day late but I still want to say where I'm gonna be. Anyways I love animals and hope to open my own veterinarian hospital with a few of my friends as partner owners. But in five years I would be in college. I plan to go to Michigan State University. But if I'm not accepted there I don't know what my second choice would be. I only want to go to Michigan State because they have a great vet program there and my brother and sister went there as well. Those are both factors that enhanced my thought on choosing Michigan State. I really hope that this able to happen, but I do plan on taking a minor in elementary school teaching to fall back on if being a vet doesn't pan out. -Jasmine Moore

  32. In five years i plan to be in college, while also working. I want to become a social studies teacher and plan to go to Northern Illinois. Things that can factor are grades, bowling, baseball, and cost of dorms.

  33. Better late than never.
    In five years, I see myself still in school. I hope I will be able to have a stable income of some sort and an apartment.
    I will most likely want to go to University of Michigan because of their excellent medical school. I can also see myself applying for ivy league schools like Harvard, Yale, or Princeton. However, it will be unlikely I will get in.
    Well, the cost of tuition will influence my decision greatly. If I get to get an ivy league school, I will need a big scholarship or grant of some sort.
    My parents also influence me. They want me to be in the medical field, so why not? I really like the medical field; it's interesting.

  34. Five years from now I will still be in school, most likely studying to acquire my bachelor's degree in medical laboratory science. The program that interests me most is Grand Valley's, but since the first two and a half years would only consist of general education and core science courses, I plan on beginning my college career at GRCC.

    My biomedical early college class at Grand Valley pushed me towards this particular field and program. I also wish to minimize the amount of financial stress on my family due to the cost of tuition, hence my initial choice of community college.

    But ultimately in five years, I want to see myself being happy and having complete faith in my choices.

  35. In five years I would like to be working on my music major at GRCC, then go to Aquinas. But in five years, things change so much, but I know that I definately want to get a major in music.

  36. Five years from now I will be in college getting a degree in Accounting. I will start in Grand Rapids community college, then ill go to a University. The factors that influence my choice is whether or not I finish High school. Also, whether I decide to be an accountant or enter another field.

  37. I see myself out of high school. My family has always pictured me going to the University of Michigan ever since I was little. I love to cook and working with people so I'll either go into the culinary field or enter a social science.

  38. In five years I see myself having graduated high school and have finished or begun to finish college. I hope to live in a larger city and get a job involving a degree in fashion merchandising.

  39. In five years I see myself at a University in Maryland or in New York City. I would like to be studying in the medical field, ever since I was little I would say that I wanted to be a Pediatrician or a nurse. I've always liked the work Doctors had to do. But yet seeing it now, and seeing the classes that I have to take and all the school I have to attend I think twice about it. The school really does not bother me so I plan to keep my goal up.

  40. Five years from now I plan to be studying pre-law at James Madison, which is a sub college at MSU. Then after that I plan to go on to law school to become a lawyer. If I'm unable to get into MSU then I'll consider Ferris. I'm pretty sure I'll get into MSU so that shouldn't be a problem. What influenced me on this choice was researching careers in 3rd grade. Also the fact that I like to argue I might as well put it to good use.

  41. In five years... I plan on being in a private college working on getting my pre-med. I want to be a forensic pathologist, my strengths are math and science... not to mention, I have a strong stomach. I just want to be more successful than my parents, so when they get older, I can take care of them just well, if not better, as they took care of me since birth. I owe that to my mom and stepdad. They've worked too hard to push me into being my best, to see me fall short because I got lazy, or bored, or so caught up in the frickin' (excuse my language) teenage drama that seems to plague our generation's existence. I just want to be successful in a career, and I know it's going to take longer than 5 years to do it, but I know, not "I think", I know I'm going to be working toward that ultimate outcome.

  42. I've been thinking about it alot lately, I like I'm going to get into something to do with gaming, no matter what it is. Technology has always been my favorite thing to do/be apart of. I'm not sure which college I'll go to, I don't know which college would even be good for me... What influences this is just a natural love for it.. Can't help it.

  43. In five years, I will still be in college. I want to attend either NMU or WMU. My biggest influence would be Mrs.Easterly. She is my biggest mentor.

  44. In five years I definitely will still be in college. I plan on going to the University of Michigan to study to become a Pediatrician. After I complete my four or so years taking classes for the background for Pre-Med, I plan on attending the Medical School at the University of Michigan as well. I think that I would prefer U of M over another school is because it would be fairly safe for me to be able to change my major without having to transfer to another college, for they offer a wide variety of majors and programs. Also, they already have a great Medical School there so I wouldn't have to transfer to another college to attend medical school.

  45. Five years from now, I know I will definitely still be in college. I have thought about taking a year off after my senior year, but I know that if I do that I will not have the self control to continue on. I want to go to the University of Missouri, and major in medicine. I assume I'll be working side jobs, just because I'm one of those people. But. I don't really know what else.

  46. In five years, I honestly do not know what college I will be attending. One thing I do know, though, is that i will be in college. I have deeply considered going to The University of Michigan. I hope to become a veterinarian or a surgeon. But, that could always change, as it has ever since I was a young girl. As far as what college I will attend, it will depend on whatever one I can get the highest scholarship to. The factors that influenced me to want to become a vet is that I have always loved animals and been interested in helping give them better lives. If I were to be a surgeon, I would also be helping people in a huge way. I have always thought that working in a hospital and performign surgeries would be fun. Plus, afterall ,these careers are both very high paying, and I want to make a lot of money.

  47. in 5 years i plan on being in college studying for my doctorate in health sciences at MSU. Being a doctor has ran in my family for generations and i like to keep it that way. I also love medicine and the science field. (:

  48. In five years, I want to have a job that pays well and a house full of kittens. I would want to be either a artist, chef, or one that finds bones and rocks. I want a two story house and lot's of left over money for my kittens. That's where I see myself in five years.

  49. By the end of 5 years I'll barely be about 21 years old so I gotta be realistic here. At best, I'll be living in a somewhat roomy apartment somewhere in California. I don't believe I'll be attending your typical normal college or university, in fact the only possible educational outlet I'm considering after High School is a dignified film school. I don't want to confine myself to only one creative profession. I have so many great ideas for stories and I picture some working best in one certain medium, some best in another. At 21, I might be stressing myself to the bone pulling together my first intended independent movie "Adolescent Nightmares." Because my general game plan is to first make a few (like 2 or 3) films that'll win me enough recognition to not necessarily become a bigshot but to be seen as a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. After that, I want to kick back and take it easy a little bit and make money through smaller jobs like writing a novel here and there but what I specifically hope to start is an ongoing comic book series that I also draw. That's about all I got so far.

  50. In 5 years I will still be in college, learning how to be an animation artist or a biologist. The college I would choose is Michigan University. What influences me is a good job with awesome pay to get an awesome house.
