Thursday, November 10, 2011

How does this apply to me?

The application of what we are doing can sometimes seem so difficult to figure out.  Relate this class to what your plans are.
Answer the following two questions:
How does chemistry apply to your 5 year goal?  If not, what ways does taking chemistry benefit you?


  1. Chemistry calls for a lot of curiosity! The way that Chemistry would benefit me, or anyone for that matter, would be that it would allow us to spark ideas and ask questions and potentially expand on them. Chmistry allows us to put pieces together to answer and elaborate on our discoveries.

  2. Chemistry has a lot to do with things! I'm not exactly sure how it would apply to my 5 year goal, but chemistry benefits me because it teaches me a lot about certain things in life. It really goes into detail about many of the major things in life. So it can basically just benefit me by teaching a lot of things about life and how things work I guess.

  3. Chemistry definitely applies to my 5 year goal, basically, to do anything that has to do with the health field, I would have to take it. Not only that, chemistry is just a very interesting class in general. It is really interesting to find out what everything is made up of. For me, chemistry is a required class to take, it's informative AND intriguing. c:

  4. I take a biomedical class in the mornings, and having background knowledge of chemistry definitely helps me. It is substantial to understanding the science the class delves deeper into. I enrolled in early college mainly to benefit my future plans of being the medical field, and so chemistry is in fact relevant to my greater education.

  5. Chemistry has always been one of the top sciences in my eyes. I plan on getting a teaching degree and majoring in Biology/Anatomy and having a minor in Chemistry. Anyone can benefit from chemistry because it teaches you about chemicals and which of them combine and could be harmful.

  6. Chem is kind of crucial for my future career. To get into med school and to even get my pre-med degree, I have to be exceptional, if not astounding at chemistry. Chemistry is necessary in the medical field because doctors are always working with chemicals. What can I say?.... I need chemistry classes.

  7. Chemistry will most definitely be important to me for the next 5 years since I am planning to go into a health field. Knowing chemistry will be a good start in this field. It benefits me to know about chemistry so I won't have to learn it from the beginning.

  8. It might benefit me to be in this class in the future. It could help me with stuff like what would happen if you mix these two chemicals in a game (i want to be a videogame tester or creator) you would have to know what they are going to do.

  9. Chemistry is the basic start of my career. Based on what we learn in chemistry, will apply to what im going to study in 5 year and what im going to do in the future. The job im looking at has a crap load of Chemistry in it. A pharmacist.

    Kim Duong Vo

  10. There honestly is almost no use that Chemistry will have for my 5 Year Plan whatsoever. On the plus side, I suppose Chemistry can stretch my taffy brain a little further when it comes to remembering little details, and that'll really help in keeping up with any schedules I could be following.

  11. Chemistry is very crucial to my 5 year plan. I want to become a doctor so in the health field chemistry is important.Chemistry is also a very fun and informative class.It is by far a required class to take

  12. Chemistry applies to my long term goals both directly and indirectly. Directly because I would like to become an anesthetist (spell check) and to do so I would have to take a chemistry class along with other classes to reach my goal. Indirectly because chemistry is all around us, and is becoming more prominent in our world everyday.

  13. Chemistry, in some ways could apply to what I would like to be when I'm older. The mixture of many different things to get new combinations. Whether it is a heterogeneous or a homogeneous mixture. In some ways, it does apply to being a chef.

  14. Chemistry applies to my 5 year goal because I want to go into the health field, and in the health field, there chemistry classes. For med.s you need to know chemistry to know how much to give, what to give, how to make it and so on. Also chemistry is a great class to take. You learn a lot and have fun while taking it. I enjoy taking chemistry and it will be in my future.

  15. Chemistry is part of my five year goal because I plan to go into Psychology. Knowing hos hormones and chemicals affect the brain is important in my field. Also, I suck at Physics.

  16. I am unsure if it will affect my goals but I think it will not. It only benefits me for basic knowledge, references, and conversational purposes. Unless the I am trapped and need to mix atoms to make oxygen like Dr. Brennan and Dr. Hogens.

  17. I want to be a lawyer. I don't know how chemistry will be applied to me being a lawyer unless i was a patin lawyer but I'm not going to be.

  18. Chemistry would be in my future when it came to the puppies I want. I believe chemistry is all life, but it really has nothing to do with my future in 5 years. So yeah chemistry is a little part of my life!

  19. Since I plan to go into the health department, chemistry benefits me greatly. I also plan on majoring in chemistry in college so I need all the help I can get. I also don't need physics.

  20. I'm not really sure that this will apply to me. Considering that I want to be an art theripist. Art an psychology classes are more important to my career choice.

  21. Chemistry applies very much to my five year plan. When I get older I plan to become a veterinarian or some type of surgeon, so taking chemistry is crucial for this career. Taking chemistry will help me learn how different elements react with one another. If I didn't take chemistry, I would not what to prescribe my patients.

  22. Chemistry deals a lot with my future. In the current chapter we are doing there is radiation, my goal in 5 years is to be in school for radiology. It would be a big help to learn where radiation comes from and how it works.

  23. Chemistry won't help me with my five year plan at all. However, I think it is beneficial to learn now because it gives a basic knowledge of science. You never know what the future holds, and some plans don't work out, so learning this stuff now could help later in the future if my plan changes.

  24. Chemistry does not really effect my five year plan. Although I won't use chemistry later in my future I do need it now as it will prepare me for college science classes.

  25. This class does play into my five year plan since I do plan on going to college. By taking this Chem class now and understanding the basics will help for the future harder classes that colleges throw at you. And if I decide to not take any Chem classes in college then it is still good knowledge to know for the real world

  26. Chemistry does apply to my five year goal. I plan to enter the medical field so it will be a big help in my future. It's not my favorite or most best subject but it will be benefical at the end.

  27. Chemistry does not apply to my 5 year goal. This Chem class will help because I plan to take Chem two next year, so this class will help for then.

  28. Chemistry will apply to me because im going to California College if the Arts. I'm going there for photographer so I will need chemistry for the exposure levels, and when I want to develope the pictures in a dark room.

  29. I don't really think that Chemistry will help me in my future job choice. But certainly Chemistry helps exercise the brain and expand our thinking.

  30. my plans are to become a veterinarian. And usually any science class will be helpful to learn. But having my career in mind applied to why I chose Chemistry over Physics. Chemistry applies more to cells, or atoms which can possibly be helpful to the study of animals. Chemistry is health related which can help my vet career. And it will benefit me because I could get more experience. It will also have me think outside of the box when it comes to figuring out problems no one else can.

  31. As everyone knows, Chemistry is mandatory if you seek a career in the Health field. I plan on becoming a Pharmacist. I have to know what chemicals go into certain medications to make sure I am treating patients correctly. It is also required that I know how specific chemicals react with others.

  32. Chemistry will apply to me in Five years because I plan on studying a Health career. In Health you need a certain amount of Science classes. Chemistry will be one of the specifics one if i want to go into medical.

  33. Chemistry will help me better understand the forensic evidence in my law cases. If I don't know very much about my evidence I won't make a very good lawyer. I think that is the only place chemistry will apply to my 5 year plan. Otherwise chemistry benefits me because it expands my knowledge of science and gives me a more broad view on things.

  34. I might be a pediatrician so chemistry is very important. The different mixtures of medicine could mean the difference between life and death. I would assume that it's very important.

  35. Chemistry applies to my 5 year plan because in order to become a doctor I will need to take chemistry and other science related classes. It will also prepare me for the college chemistry courses.

  36. Taking chemistry definitely applies to my five year plan because I plan on going into the medical field, which will require me to take several chemistry courses. I will also have to go further in depth with chemistry classes and other science classes in order to go to a medical school to become a doctor.

  37. Chemistry will help me in the future because like almost everyone else, I want to go into the medical field. A lot of science classes are required in pre med and med school. Doctors have to do a lot of things that willnrequire the knowledgenof chemistry. Also because I have to finish high school chemistry as well.

  38. Chemistry will help me when I go to college so I can prepare for college science courses

  39. I plan on going into the medical field after I graduate, so chemistry will come in handy in my life. My plan to go to med school will require that I have some previous experience with chemistry so I am able to comprehend when in the future the chemistry is more in depth and is building off what I have already learned. :)

  40. I'm not sure If chemistry is going to be part of my 5 year plan yet. I wanted to be a lawyer and that has nothing to do with chemisty but I'm thinking about wanting to be a zoologist again. Being a zoologist has a lot to do with chemistry when studying the different types of species.

  41. Well i don't think I will have to do anything with chemistry in my carrer choice
    but chemistry is all around us and its all just good to know,so it does have its benfits. Although it won't apply to me at all in my five year plan,its good
    to have some basic knowledge on science/chemistry.

  42. I am so horrible at doing these blog posts.
    Anywho, this class will help prepare me for the future. It will give me knowledge I can use for college, since I'm thinking of going into the medical/health field. In five years, I think I will still be college, probably, so this class will help me towards that goal of being in college still. I hope that made sense.

  43. I want to be a teacher, I dont think that chemistry will be needed much unless I decide to be a chemistry teacher. However, this class will help me stay on top of things and better prepare me for college.

  44. Chemistry applies to everything so it definitely will apply to me in 5 years. I plan on going to college and I know I will have to take some type of science class. This class will help prepare me for my future.

  45. Chemistry is one of the most interesting subject for me. I learn a lot in this class, chemistry may occurs to my future because I want to be a pharmacist. So, is will help me prepare of some stuff for in my future plan.

  46. I don't believe I will be using chemistry in my future because my interest don't relate to it, but it really does benefit by having a better knowledge and understanding of how everything works in life.

  47. This chemistry class will benefit me in five years because I plan on taking more Chem or Chem related classes in college. Taking this class now will help to prepare me with knowledge to build on in my future classes.

  48. Chemistry helps me with my 5 year goal because all science classes help with becoming a vetrinarian in some way. Like organic chemistry is potinent for a vetrinarian. I need chemistry because it will help me understand how some substances will impact and organism.

  49. I don't really know what I want to do in my future, so I can't really say how chemistry benefits me.

  50. chemistry helps me with my 5 year goal because i want to study the medical field in college. My ultimate goal is to become a sergeant or a Nurse
