Wednesday, February 29, 2012


ACT's are next week.  Some of you have shared verbally your fears regarding these tests.

What gives you the best chance at success at this point?

In your own words DEFINE the word SUCCESS.


  1. In my own words, success is exceeding expectations and reaching your goals.

  2. Honestly when I took the ACT at this point I wasn't doing anything. I just relaxed. I wasn't stressing or anything. My definition of success is obtaining what you set out to obtain.

  3. Success is overcoming failure. The factor here is figuring out what you consider to be a failure and what others consider to be a failure. My best chance at success is to set the bar high and relax!! Maybe a little bit of light review over the weekend wouldn't hurt either...

  4. Well, since I'm not taking the ACT, I'm not sweatin'
    The best chance at success right now would be to relax. Stressing over this test will only
    further your anxiety about it and might be your downfall.
    Success is when you accomplish a goal or have a sense of completion or accomplishment when you do it.

  5. The best chance we have at success is if we put in as much effort as we can. Being a little nervous is normal, because if you're not than you just don't care, but you don't want to be too nervous because that will psych you out. Keeping calm is our best chance at success. My definition of success is when you feel accomplished in what you did and knowing you gave forth your best effort.

  6. The best chance I have at success is having a good night's rest and eat a good, solid breakfast. Keeping calm walking in but still being nervous is your best chance at conquering these tests. My definition of success would be, accomplishing a goal that you set for yourself.

  7. The best shot I have at success is only if I believe in myself. I need to go in thinking that I'm going to do the best I can, not for my mom or my one but myself. I need to know it is okay to set MY own goals, and be proud of MY own set accomplishments.

    Success to me is being proud of yourself. Being able to say to myself, "Well kid I did the best I could...but let's go back and try to make it even better"

    Good Luck to all my fellow classmates (:

  8. I don't have to take the ACT so I'm fine next year. The best chance at success is to not freak out about it, because when you do, then you will do worse. Success is doing something/a goal that was hard for you, and doing it well and right.

  9. The best chance I have at success is to stop stressing about my work and to keep trying my best, which means that I have to believe in my abilities and not doubt myself. Success, for me, is overcoming an obstacle and reaching my goals.

    I don't have to take it yet, so it's all good in the neighborhood c;
    Trololol ~ I'm jaykayin'. I'm trying to slowly prepare for it next
    year, so, if I do well, then I will count it as a success. I hope to do
    well and live up to my siblings' standards. Success iss basically a
    goal that you hope to succeed, once you achieve it, then you succeed.

  11. Since I'm a sophomore, I won't be taking the ACT until next year. For the juniors, the best thing would be to relax, as mentioned above. Make sure you get enough sleep the day before and in the morning, eat a healthy breakfast to keep you energized for the day! Stressing over the ACT is going to make you freeze up during the actual test.
    Success is the same thing as accomplishment. When you succeed, you have achieved a goal that you worked hard for. Good luck juniors! :)

  12. I have taken the ACT before and i didn't do so hot. But it was good practice, and I'm sure I'll do good next year. I define success by being confident in your abilities and doing the best you can do.

  13. The best possible advice for juniors would be to stay calm, come prepared, and get plenty of rest. You have had lots and lots of preparation and you are ready for the real deal. Being a senior, I have taken the ACT three times. This test really does play a huge role in your future. Focus, pace yourself, and be confident. Don't over stress yourself and go in to that test room giving it 110%.
    Success isn't necessarily meeting your goals, regardless of how high or how low your expectations for yourself may be. Success is truly accepting the outcome of your effort. If you want to be successful in the ACT, don't be so hard on yourself. Yes, set a goal for yourself, but don't give up if you do not reach the intended score. There are opportunities to retake the test and better your performance. However, if you do well enough the first time, which YOU WILL, you won't be like me and retake it three times.
    Juniors, you will all do great. You are incredibly smart and have a ridiculous amount of potential. Go get 'em! (:

  14. Im not doing the ACT's this year... but next year I intend to stay focused and try not to be too stressed, work my hardest and learn to manage my time. My definition of success is meeting your goals and even if you dont meet them success is just feeling like you tried and did your best.

  15. I personally am not too worried about taking the ACTs. I believe that I am as ready as possible at this point in time. I have done a lot to prepare for it, and I am confident in my abilities.
    I would define success as accomplishing (or attempting to accomplish) all of your plans and goals to the best of your abilities. Only you know what you are personally capable of and if you believe that you did the best you possibly could, then I believe that you were successful.

  16. Since I'm a sophmore i don't really need to worry about the ACT right now. Next year when i take the practise again i will hopefully do better. But their is a lot to prepare for and i will study to the best of my ability. I would describe success as achieving the goals that you set forth for yourself. What gives me the best chance at success at this point is the ACT practises we do in class.

  17. I am a sophomore this year, so I still have a year to prepare for the ACT. Though, I am dreading taking the test next year. I am slowly starting to prepare myself by taking the practice ACT questions that the teachers give us and I am going to complete a practice test this summer. The best thing I can do for myself is to learn about stuff that I don't already know how to do, such as in math. But, moat importantly, I need to not stress and just look at it as a normal, everyday test.
    Success to me is meeting the personal goals that you have set for yourself and putting forth your best effort. You have rescued success when u have done the best you could do.

  18. Success is just learning from your experiences, trying to exceed goals and to just keep going till you make it.

  19. Success is looking back at your past and being pleasantly surprised at how far you've come because you've been exhausting yourself too much to notice.
