Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rocket 30 thoughts!!

Thoughts, hopes, ideas, and how'd the first day go?

Be respectful, and honest please.



  1. I thought that it was kind of awkward. We were putting together people who never talked to each other and expecting them to get along. I don't really have any ideas for it. I just hope people will be able to break down barriers.

  2. I feel like rocket 30 was really awkward...but I guess that was kind of expected. On the positive side, I got to know people that I'm sure I wouldnt have ever talked to otherwise. I'm sure as the weeks progress it will become less goofy for everyone :)

  3. My class was very participative and it was awkward. But I got to get to know the freshmen and some people I didnt know before. It was pretty entertaining.

  4. I tthink rocket 30 went alright. The younger grades especially the frshman were very hesitant about participating with the upper classmen. Over the weeks however it will become less awkward for everyone when we really get to know them. Good first day-ish.

  5. As a leader, I thought the first day was quite successful. It was awkward for the first it, but after we began talking as a group, everyone was participating! Hopefully the rest of our classes will be fun and I hope to get to know the people in my group more:)

  6. Like everyone else said, it was awkward. we had too much time left over after the whole truth thing and no one really talked during that time.

  7. I do like the thought and resoning behind Rocket 30, but i feel like i have no say in anything, and i dont exactly like how there are certain 'leaders'. It bothers me because i feel like im just participating in what others want, but overall i do like the idea of Rocket 30. :)

  8. The Rocket 30 thing went perfect! Jk I wasn't there. But what from what I've heard I have a very good group of most people I know, and I am excited to have 25 minutes with them each Wednesday! :)

  9. I really did not like the rocket 30. It seems somewhat pointless to start something like this at th end of the year anyway. Rocket 30 isn't going to change anything people will talk to who they want. Forcing them into a room together and making they do activities makes them resent the whole experience because they are forced to do it.

  10. It was okay, but I was put in a classroom, where I have major problems with some people. I'm just trying not to explode because they won't stop talking to me. I think I already made a freshman friend. She was really nice. I guess over all it wasn't that bad.

  11. I really liked it. I think next time we should have back up games because of having too much extra time, but other than that, it's good. Of course the first time will be awkward, but it'll get better. I think it'll be a perfect way for the freshmen next year to get settled into the school and get more comfortable, and it's great that we're trying for this marking period to work out all the kinks. As long as everyone comes in with an open mind, then it will be successful and not pointless at all.

  12. I felt that it went really well. All of the student's participated and from what I could tell had an enjoyable time. However I felt that we had a lot of extra time so the activities were not long enough. But of course I'm a leader so I definitely have a bias stand point.

  13. I feel that my class went extremely well. Almost all of the students participated and enjoyed themselves. At the same time, I feel like we had too much time and not enough planned but when that happened, we made-up some other icebreakers and tried to make sure we all somewhat knew each other. As a leader, I have a bias opinion but I still feel good about the first class and can't wait for next week!

  14. I wish I had been there. Hopefully everyone in my class is nice and they all get along, if not, it might be challenging. I hope the overall experience proves to be helpful!

  15. I enjoyed my time with my group! I feel like they all went in with a bad attitude about it, but wound up leaving with more of an open mind. I really think this is going to help bring at least next years underclassmen and upperclassmen closer together.

  16. Rocket 30 was a blast! A lot of the Senior class complained about it, but after the first session a lot of us enjoyed it. Twenty-five minutes doesn't seem like a long time, but there were many laughs and realizations about others within that short amount of time. As a whole, the group of students I am grouped with are amazing. (: I also got close to a few individuals, too. We all managed to get along and participate and that made it even better. My hope is hat the underclassmen take this seriously so Kelloggsville can become a more open-minded, more trusted community for its students. I truly believe that Rocket 30 will be a huge success for the rest of the year and in upcoming years as well!(:

  17. I think Rocket 30 went pretty well for the first time. Everyone participated and some actually enjoyed it. It was a little awkward though. The games helped everyone more acquainted. However, after the game, there was a lot of spare time so next time the games should last a little longer. Rocket 30, I think, will be able to make freshmen more comfortable with the transition from middle school to high school. It will help bring underclassmen and upperclassmen closer together to become a "rocket" family.

  18. Rocket 30 went good since it was just the first day. Hopefully as this continues it will get way less awkward and students will learn to be way more openminded about things. This is only going to be succesful if students will be willing to participate and do something outside their comfort zone for once.

  19. I think that Rocket 30 went okay. It was just awkward at times because we were put with a group of people that we usually do not hang out with. I honestly feel like many people went into the first day already thinking that it was going to be stupid and boring and had a bad attitude about it. I realize thta Rocket 30 is supposed to help us grow as a student body and as a community, but if other students do not have a better attitude about it and step out of their comfort zone, than it will not.

  20. I think that the first day was okay. I say this because in my room no one really wanted to participate and it was really quiet\awkward. I hope that for the next rocket 30, they are more into it and talk to each other.

  21. Like everyone said, it was pretty ackward. Other than that everything went okay. There was a lot of left over time. More activities should be given to the leaders to keep everyone participate.


  22. It was fun. I got to meet a few new people. Certainly something to keep doing.

  23. I really thing rocket 30 was a good idea. It just wasn't executed properly so every body was very awkward. People in it, like me, were just talking to the people who they knew. That's how the first Rocket 30 thingy went the first day....

  24. Being a leader in rocket 30 I found it alittle difficult to get peopletalk I alsoeveryone was quiet.I don't. think it was the worst thing ever some people had fun in the class.
    Steven truong<<<<<<<<

  25. I think Rocket 30 was awkward the first time but now people are settling in and everything is going smoother, and the people in it are getting to know each other. Overall I think that Rocket 30 is a great idea and that it will make our school a better place.

  26. I feel the first Rocket 30 was extremely awkward... and no one in my group seemed to fully welcome the idea of it. I don't know, I think half an hour a week isn't long enough to reach the goal that you teachers have set out to reach.

  27. I feel really alone in my Rocket 30 class. It makes me uncomfortable and nervous and I think that we should have more student input into the activities.

  28. Rocket 30 was a different experience. It was a little uncomfortable and there were many awkward silences but other than that it was overall pretty enjoyable

  29. I think that the first day i heard about rocket 30 that it was kind of weird because we were put in a random group and none of us knew eachother. Some of the activities that we do aren't that good. Also most of the class don't do anything so it's a waste of time.
