Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2nd Semster

The 2nd semester is upon us.  What are your thoughts about semester 2?  What are you excited about?  Dreading?  Looking forward to?  Hoping For?

I want to know where  you are at mentally.

First assignment of the semester, get the easy points.


  1. My thoughts about the 2nd semester are that it will be a good rest of the year. I'm excited about and looking forward to the play and my classes. I am dreading the end of year exams. I am hoping that I'll make KCTC early college(I most likely will(: ). Those are my thoughts.

  2. I don't have new thoughts for the new semester since I expected more experiments on projects for this class but there seems to be more book work than nothing. Therefore I dont really look forward to anything for this semester.

  3. I think that this second semester should be a good wrap up of the year. I'm not really excited about anything. The thin I'm dreading the most in this semester is the ACT.

  4. Act scary stuff. I messed up first semester so I'm going to fix that by study more, also get more help from teachers ... Cough cough. Also I am looking forward to track season and breaking the pole vault record.

  5. I think it will go fast and it will be fun this semester. I will try harder and hopefully be successful.

  6. I'm looking forward to improving from first semester, academically. I'm scared of not being prepared for the ACT.

  7. My thoughts are all discombobulated. I want to apply myself more this semester. I'm hoping to do better in every class in some kind of way whether it's in citizenship or my grade. I am excited to get the semester over and get act out of the way. I am not liking this junior year so far so I would rather hurry through it. I am excited about the seniors leaving I don't like them that much so I just cant wait until they leave. I am hoping to keep my gpa up and get a 4.0 at least for the year. ")

  8. My thoughts for the second semester are to get better grades than last semester. I'm looking forward to a good, new semester. I'm scared for the ACT's, but I hope I can prepare well for them. Those are my thoughts on the new semester.

  9. This semester I am looking forward to doing better than I did last semester. I want to improve my G.P.A. I know that this will take more focus in school and I am prepared for that. I'm excited to get this semester over with because it's the last one before I am a senior and I feel like my junior year has been the hardest yet. However, I am very nervous for the ACT test because I want to do really well, but I feel like I'm not prepared for it.

  10. So far, semester 2 is easier than semester 1. Ha. I like naming covalent compounds much better than ionic compounds. I am hoping that I can end the year with an A in Chemistry. Science is probably my weakest subject. I hope to get better at it, since I'll really need it to become a pharmacist. :)

  11. This semester I'm hoping to keep my grades up and get my B in this class to an A. I'm really excited that this is my last semester of science and I don't have to deal with it next year. :) I'm actually looking forward to the ACT because than I can get a better idea of where I'm at college wise and which ones are best for me. Also, the seniors finally leaving will be great! Most of them suck. There's nothing I'm dreading, just can't wait for summer. (:

  12. I hope to improve even more this semester. I know that the work will be getting harder, but I hope to start understanding concepts better and faster. I also hope to start improving on the ACT practice because those are still difficult for me to understand and im really dreading that weighing me down on the ACT. I definitely thought chemistry would be different in that we would be doing more experiments and such, but I have learned so much already this year. I know i ask a lot of questions because I don't understand some things, but you are always patient with me and I thank you for that.

  13. I am dreading zero hour but if I don't use it to test out of econ, no choir for THIS kid next year. I hope we cram in a lot of ACT prep and that I can maintain my grades.

  14. My thoughts on second semester is to be more confident in myself and my work ethic. I tend to shy away from doing work, or GOOD work because I don't think I am good enough. Who knows maybe I'm not, but I have plenty of time to make a better name for myself. I am excited to see a change in myself and my grades. I am dreading the ACT, and all the ACT prep work. Overall I am excited to get to summer!

  15. I'm looking forward to the end of 2nd semester. School has been really stressful lately. I am excited for track season to start. I hope this semester is easier than the last one.

  16. I think that the 2nd semester will go by quickly and will hopefully it will not be very difficult. I am looking forward to improving my work habits, my grades, and for tennis season to start because it helps me relax. To be honest, I am very nervous about the ACT, like most Juniors. Hopefully I am well prepared for it and manage to get a good score. I am just looking forward to finishing this year with good grades and confidence in myself.

  17. The second semester will fly by. School has been really boring and stressful lately but I'm glad that everything is restarting this semester. I'm really excited to learn cool stuff, like hypnosis, in psychology. I'm not really dreading anything as of right now. I am looking forward to the ACT. I just want to get it over with and see what all this hype is about. I'm hoping to at least score higher than 20 on the ACT.

  18. This semester is going to be the most boring semester of my high school career. I am excited to finally be done with everything. I am dreading going to college because it is going to be such a new experience. I am looking forward to being in college because it will be a good new experience for me. I'm looking forward to my dread. I am hoping for a nice, relaxing last semester of my senior year.

  19. In semester two im just crossing my finegers that it diesnt get to hard for me. Im excited on the otherhand for soccer season,ive been waiting for so long. Im dreading next year though because im gonna have so much on my plate. Basically im feeling overwhelmed this year, i havent been doing as well as i would hope to be. The school year will get better as we go i hope.

  20. Im excitedd that school is half way done.! Im dreading the work but i hoping to do alot better.!

  21. I think that this semester 2 will be a good wrap up of my junior year :) I'm definitely excited to be done with my junior year and just start my senior year already. I am dreading the ACT.. I'm looking forward to not having to worry about taking the ACT anymore, and i'm also looking forward to track season. I'm hoping I will get all A's again for this last semester. :)

  22. Now that we're in the second semester, I'm mainly concerned about graduating and finishing out strong. Semester one was my weakest semester of my entire educational career, but second semester will be one-hundred times better. I'm really excited to dive into the material, but am dreading the stress and anxiety about my classes and credits. I really hope to finish up a few of my classes early so I can focus on my core classes, but other than that, getting my diploma is most important right now and is what I am going to be focussing on from this point on. It will be a good end to the rest of the year.

  23. I'm hoping that the second semester will go by as fast as the first. I am excited that school is almost over and looking forward to summer! I am also looking forward to the ACT, actually. I just want to take it and get it over with, but I really don't feel that stressed about the ACT, I think I'm ready. :) I'm dreading the end of cheer season, but really looking forward to starting up marching band again. I really hope that I get drum major next year!

  24. I'm hoping that the second semeter will go by faster, that I would get better grades than I did in first semeter. I'm looking foward to getting the ACT done as soon as possible. I'm excited about keeping up with my goals that I have made. I'm dreading the new class I'm in. I feel out of place, but I'll get use to it. I'm looking foward to talking to more students, connecting more with teachers, being more active and participant. I'm hoping for a better GPA, being more active in school activities.

  25. Im excited for this year to be over but im nervous because every year we go through gets us closer to college and further. Im also looking forward to see the ranks. But I am dreadingthe extra work for one of my classes and the exams at the end of the year and next year im dreading the ACT. Im excited about being half way done with high school. And Im hoping to still be in the top 10 but especially top 5. Also hoping to get higher A's each marking period.

  26. I am terrified about the 2nd semester. I'm excited for it to end, but I am stressed about all of the work that is about to come. Already, I feel like I am extremely stressed and getting left behind with my classwork. I'm trying hard to catch up, but I feel like I won't. I hope that my grades stay high, though. If I continue with how I did 1st semester, then my year will end well.

  27. The second semester is usually more stressful than the first. The current workload of all my classes have proven so. I'm excited for field trips, more fun opportunities, and seeing my class rank. I'm dreading ACT prep, test, projects, exams etc. I'm looking forward to summer and not doing anything all day. I'm also looking forward to band camp (maybe) and being a junior, so high school will almost be over. I'm actually looking forward the most to graduation. I'm hoping for good grades all high school and being in the top 5, or even first or second :-) YUP.

  28. I am excited for the second semester. The current work on juniors for the ACT and MME is stressful but, after those tests, it will be so much less stressful and I am anxiously awaiting for senior year classes. I am hoping that grades are high in order for me to get into the school I am aiming for.

  29. I don't like the fact the work will be harder than 1st semester's but I suppose I'll need all the hard work and training involved on preparing for the ACT. The two main goals of mine is to get a semester average that can at least match my previous one of B, and get a 23 on the ACT-- higher would be nice, though.

  30. I'm thinking I need to work harder... But I really don't really have anything I'm looking forward to per-say. I don't know, I feel like there are higher expectations since it's second semester... You've got your feet under you, you gotta try to make up for slacking last semester, blah, blah, blah. It just feels like the same thing, the only thing that changes are the teachers, classes, and the people you are forced to put up with in those classes.
