Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolution's

People all over the world have officially started (and many already abandoned) their New Year's Resolutions, what is yours?  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't really have a New Year's Resolution.

  3. my new years resolution is to stop getting in trouble -.-

  4. I don't ever make New Year's resolutions. When I want to change something about myself, I try to work on it whenever I make that decision that something needs to chnage. I don't delegate it to a further date.

  5. My New Year's Resolution is to stop procrastinating but I'll begin that later.

  6. My new years resolution is to start a workout plan and stick to it through the summer :)

  7. Mine is to get a job this year, stay in shape, and get all a's for my grades.

  8. I usually don't have New Year's resolutions. I agree with a post above: if I want to change something about myself, I'll do it at that time. My goal all year is to get/stay in shape and get all A's to make my parents (and myself) proud.

  9. My New Year's resolution is to keep my grades up, be less shy, and to be active everyday.

  10. To hopefully graduate.(:

  11. If I really thought about a specific goal I wanted to achieve, I suppose it would be to get some perspective on a lot of troubling thoughts or actions from all around me because there's a lot of issues I really know nothing about...For examples, financial aide in college, the exact effect a grade can have, and the most powerful or least powerful words in a college essay.

  12. My new years resolution is to get along with my family and to try and go for atleast a month without getting grounded.

  13. Don't really make a new years resolution

  14. This year, I want to start getting into shape or exercising more often, eating healthier, and getting a good work ethic, save money, and get all A's.

  15. Hm, New Year's resolution.. My New Year's resolution would be to exercise more. I'm one of the laziest people I know, & it would be great if I could/would change that.

  16. I don't think I have a new years resolution

  17. I dont have a New Years resolution. I think those are stupid.. You should be able to change your lifestyle anytime you want. You dont need a new year to do it.

  18. My New Years Resolution is to get better grades I guess.

  19. My NewYears resolution is to get back on track for college.

  20. I don't ever officially make a new years resolution. if i did make one it would be to continue to do good in school and get the best grades I can, and stay in shape and do good this year in the 2012 softball season and volleyball season.

  21. i honestly do not have a new years resolution, i'm pretty great already. right? :)
    just kidding patin, but i think its silly changing every new years. you can change when ever you feel like it. there's no need to wait till the new year.

  22. I don't believe in a New Year's Resolution. If I want to set a goal for myself, I don't need a specific date.

  23. I do not have a new years resolution because i have experienced that if you set a goal and fall short you are upset. I figured that if i don't set one then i can not get upset for not accomplishing it

  24. What's the point? I can already foresee too many obstacles in my dang life that'll prevent me from reaching any sort of happiness.

  25. What's the point? I already foresee too many obstacles in my dang life that'll prevent me from reaching any sort of happiness.

  26. I never really set a new years resolution. I've learned from personal experience that long term goals don't work out as well. So, I just fix little flaws every year in hopes of obtaining greatness.

  27. Hmm My new years resolution is to not be afraid. Not be afraid of being myself. Being afraid of failure. Being afraid to make any more mistakes.
    Living my life without regret.

  28. I just want get a job, and pass highschool as top 10

  29. hmmmmm...I never really make new years resolutions.. So, my New Years Resolution is to start eating healthier and be in shape before track actually gets here, so I can go to state. :) Also, not to stop running over the summer so I can actually be ready for cross country. :D

  30. My New Years resolution is to get better grades and do better in school. Also to study more and get better grades in tests.

  31. Not anything big like most people have but to get better grade(:

  32. Honestly I never made one. I knew that I would abandon it so if I never make one then technically I can never "fail" or "abandon" it.

  33. my new years resolution is to do something useful with my life since I'm not currently in a sport, and spend as much time as possible with my wonderful family :)

  34. my new years resolution is to get in better shape Cuz man i'm getting chubby!Also to believe in myself more. I always compare myself to others and that certaintly does not get me anywhere.

  35. My new years resolution is "Shoot for the stars. When I get there, keep going,"

  36. My resolution is to start taking my own advice. I have a tendency to give my friends great advice when they're having social or relationship issues, but I never take that advice myself... And I want to get back into the habit of writing. I really want to finish my book before I get out of high school, even if it never gets published. It would be great just to to finish it. (:

  37. My New Year's resolution would be to make college a huge priority and get a really good score on the ACT, and not have to retake it. :)I guess also to appreciate things more.

  38. My new years resolution is to not stress so much. I feel that when I have a more relaxed outlook on life I do better in school.

  39. I don't believe in New Years Resolutions. Every year when the end of the year rolls around, people rush to come up with a change and act like its going to happen overnight. A new beginning should not signify a "new person". A need for change should be recognized anytime throughout the year, and changed then. Not at a specific time.

  40. My New Years Resolution, as weird as it may seem, is to write a book. I have, for the longest time, wanted to have something that was mine but others could read and enjoy. I plan, with all my might, to achieve this resolution.

  41. My new years resolution was to control my anger. It was going to be a good one until january 2nd my dad made me mad and I got out of control once again and stop talking to him for a week. Therefore, I think I have let my self influence by people again and broke my new years resolution once again...... Then I tried to do it again but once again I got mad and broke it.... In conclusion I cannot get by a day without getting mad. That was my new years resolution.

  42. My new years resolution is self awareness. That just means I want to find out more about my self. There are always new things to find out.

  43. My new years resolution is getting over bad habits.

  44. I dont make New Years resolutions.

  45. My new years resolution is to grow as a person. I try to live life by the day and to the fullest but, I want to get awesome grades in school and a great score on the ACT.

  46. My new years resolution is to get things done on time. So far, I have failed
