Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be the Change You Want to See in the World. -- Mahatma Ghandi

From your comments many of you want the same thing.  You can make that change.  Make that change in your own lives, and put a stop to those doing it here.  You're probably thinking "C'mon, Patin I'm going to be the one telling people to stop be negative towards others or Kelloggsville, yeah right!".  Someone has to have the courage to change the atmosphere around here.  Everyone here wants to be successful.  Some people want to but don't know how, some can't because of social pressures, while others are successful.  Make the Change.

Go to sporting Events and be involved.  Pride is contagious, kindness is contagious, and most importantly attitude is Contagious.

BE COURAGEOUS --  Everyone has it, but only a few show it.

Questions and/or Comments?

Current Chem I Problems Assigned:  Ch. 2 1-23.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Your K-ville Experience

If you could change one thing about KHS what would it be?  (Imagine the perfect environment-high school experience- what would it be?)
**  Do not mention people, rules, or classes you don't like or agree with, stick to the general atmosphere.
2pts Extra Credit on the Lab Equipment Quiz to all who respond to the question by Monday Night!!

I am updating this post, because the current posts do not reflect comments on the general SCHOOL atmosphere. Complaining about passing time, starting and ending dates was not the intent of the post. Think in terms of student body, treatment of one another, participation, school pride, etc... Those of you who already posted try again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So Far . . .

So far the comments have been great and I appreciate your open and honest feedback.  From what I've read thus far many of you are excited, some of you are concerned, and some of you have already identified yourself as not meeting the expectations you set for yourself.  Never underestimate yourself (or anyone else for that matter), you never know what a person is capable of until they are presented with a challege.


Sunday, September 18, 2011


We are officially two weeks in.  What are your impressions of the year so far?  What are your impressions of the class?  Have expectations changed?  I'm going to pose questions on this blog that I genuinely want you to think about and answer.  Some of you will imagine that you are too cool to answer the questions.  Notice I used the word 'imagine', because 95% of the persona you try to achieve is in your head.  Most people find that the only people who they truly think of as 'cool' are those who have money/fame/success in their lives.  I guarantee you they didn't get there by trying to fit into a certain persona, they got there by working hard, being focused, and being unafraid to venture outside the box.  Even if stepping out of the box meant being on their own and making the 'right' (but not popular) decisions, they still stepped out.  Take a risk, be intellectual, be involved, participate, and most of all share your responses.  Success is yours for the taking, but you have to be willing to pursue, no matter the social pressures.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Welcome to The Chemistry I Blog!  Current Assignments, Online Assignments, Daily Thoughts or Instruction, Question and Answer segments, and other things K-ville will be hosted here regularly.  Keep up, hopefully comments and posts will go quickly.