Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hear, Hear to the 3-D Printer!

If you liked the 3D printer than made the wrench, you'll love this.  You must respond with to this video.  What impacts would you see this printer having on today's society?  What do you think the next step of 3-D printing should be?

Would you want one?  They look like the image below.


  1. I do not think this will impact society. People can't handle science as it is. If we start making things then people will start asking "When will we stop?" I'm sure someone will try to make a person or something. That obviously wouldn't work but people are so dumb they would think it would.

  2. This impacts society because with this technology, its easier and faster to get body organs for those who need them. I think the next step to 3D printing will be internal organs. I don't know if I would want an organ made from this, it kind of creeps me out!

  3. I think this will have a good impact on society because people that really need cartilage replaced will have replaced in the shape & form that they need it in. The 3D printer can eventually be able to print a kidney or a even an esophagus (which is cartilage). If I needed some cartilage for my a place in my body then I wouldn't have a problem getting it.

  4. This will affect society inmensly because this will save many lives,but im still execptical that they will create a mass production of organs to save millions of people because this will have an immense price in order to produce organs

  5. Okay that was awesome. Though it is a good thing they could make organs but there are those who are gonna take advantages of it by making it expensive. The next 3-D invention would probably have something to do with food or something that would benefit the human body in someway.

  6. It is so amazing that people could make organs from 3-D printer. This would be a huge step of development in the medical field and brings many benefits. In the future, if the printer could make the blood that the body accepted then that is the best move of all.

  7. I think this type of advancement in the field of science is great. The impacts this type of technology would make are quite remarkable. Being able to print 3D cells is a huge step. Although its a cool invention, in my opinion, I find it quite unsettling. I guess I'm just not used to the idea of printing human body parts.

  8. I think this printer will have impacts on society. By using this printer to creat cartilage, people who are need of it will be able to have some. At the moment, this seems very small, but I have a feeling that later on in life someone will be able to create an organ and possibly save someone's life in need of it instead of being put on a waiting list.

  9. I believe this a major advancement in the field of science. The impacts this technology would make in society would be incredible. This 3D printer is going to save a lot of lives and can latter make more organs. If you need an organ transplant sometimes it takes to long and then you get put on the waiting list. I think the next step to 3D printing would be making larger objects like a bed or start making organs for animals and safe their lives. I think this is really cool.

  10. This will impact society in many ways. Like saving the life of a human being. But, what are the flaws that these types of replications have? Even though this can replicate organs, you never know what the insides of the organ can do to you. The next step would most likely be trying to perfect this printer, and make the safety of these organs better.

  11. This printer would impact the society in many ways. One way is not having to worry about limited cells or body parts while doing a surgery. Another way is saving many lives. There are many people suffering but with this technology, it would be helpful to those who are suffering and doctors. Another step of 3D printing should be expanding it to other countries. Would I want one? Sure.

  12. This new technology, being able to print living human tissue, would impact society in many aspects. I foresee many debates on whether it is an ethnical practice. Humans, like all other living organisms, die with age. With this new 3-D printer, I can see scientists that engineered the machine using it to keep humans alive infinitely. For example, a person with sufficient means could easily pay their way to receive a renewed body part, enabling him/her to survive many more years than an average person, causing controversy on the topic of not utilizing the machine to save everyone it is capable of. The 3-D printer will not be widespread and available in every health center. At its heart, I think it will come down to a money making business. Just like how some people contract AIDS and HIV die shortly after diagnosed, Magic Johnson has survived for more than 20 years with it. It's because he has the $ to access the top-tier drugs. The next step with 3-D printing should be to make it a more common practical machine to use, rather than just a prototype that is in the making and seems to be many years from actual use. If I was in dying condition and my life depended on the 3-d printer to save my life, I would want it to. Other than that, I would not mess with it just for cosmetic purposes and such.

  13. I think this will have a big impact on society. Because at this point in life many people need organs and may not have a match,so now it can be made. I also believe the people who can afford to get this done will live longer because they have new organs. But I would not want one but if it was the only choice to saving me I would use it.

  14. The 3-D printer would have a impact on the world in many ways. One would be that cells are guaranteed because they now have the ability to be printed. This just shows how much technology improves everyday. The next step should be to actually help the people in need. If it would help me yes i would use the 3-D printer.

  15. This video kind of creeps me out. I find it amazing how we can produce new body parts like that. If I had lost an ear I would definitely be down to get a new one like this. Makes me wonder what our lives could be like in the not too distant future.

  16. I think this is amazing because we can produce new body parts for people for people who are born without the parts and it would grow as the person grows which would be really good if you were a kid born without a part because you wouldnt have to worry about one part being bigger then the other.

  17. I think that this will impact society, because it is another improvement in science. So it will improve how things are done. Like if someone needs a new organ, it will help save a lot of lives. Although some people might not like how science and technology is advancing. I am curious to see how we continue to improve in this kind of stuff in the near future.

  18. This is such a good video. It is great that people can look this close at things. I believe this could save many lives in the future. It will also have a huge impact on society. Many people would want this, even more knowing it can save more lives. I wonder how things like this will advance in the future. :)

  19. I believe this a major advancement of science. The impacts of this technology are huge. This 3D printer is going to help many many people and can later make more organs. If you need an organ transplant sometimes it takes to long and then you get put on the waiting list. I think the next step to 3D printing would be war soldiers because you know the government is.

  20. Mixed feelings on this again, im torn between whats religiously correct and what could help better life, i think .3d printing could help the elderly by replacing worn out bones, ligaments , and maybe help kids born with defects or bone cancer patients . The next step in printing im not sure because science has no limits
