Sunday, December 2, 2012

The possibilities of Chemistry!

Watch the video below, then explain what impact this could have on the daily lives of the every day person if this went mainstream. No Repeats. REPEAT WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT.


  1. This could benefit people because they could replicate everyday things they use instead of buying them.

  2. One thing that I could see this being useful in is building materials. For example, when you buy something like a shelving unit that you have to build yourself and you find out that you are one screw short, you could just print out one instead having to go to a hardware store to buy another. But, you could also use it to mass produce items for building larger structures like houses or stores to replace other items made from nonrenewable resources, thus benefiting the environment.

  3. I think that this will not only help people in space but everyone in the whole world. This can be used for countless of things. For example, in the making of movies they use a lot of props, this machine can help with reproducing things that get ruined without having to get new things. You do not only save money that way, but its convenient. I think they should make a bigger machine and see is they can make a car or even a house from this machine.
    -Samary :)

  4. This could help people all over the world! Obviously, the machine is crazy expensive, but, in the long run it could pay for itself. For example, this can make products that are virtually the same as the real thing, with COMPLETELY different materials. Say, for example, we no longer had any metal in the world to make wrenches with. We could print one with this machine and it could be almost exactly the same as the metal ones. This could be more than just something for convience, it could replace a non-renewable resource if we were to run out (to a point).

  5. The impact that this printer could have on the life of an every day person would be immense. Furthermore, this machine could be a safe alternative in preserving the environment. The problem I see is that the value of objects would decrease and no one would want to shell out money to buy anything. If this product went mainstream, many companies would have to go out of business. For instance, the company that makes the metal wrench in the video charges 5 dollars. Now people can get an exact replica of that wrench, just as strong, and it would be able to sell at a much lower cost due to the material and the lack of labor involved. Thus, everyone would depend on the 3-D printer for virtually everything. This machine could benefit the every day person whilst hurting the economy in the long run. I think the machine should just stay exclusive to certain instances such as space missions to avoid such problems.
    -Richard Nguyen

  6. The technology that the world is coming out with in the 21st century is completely amazing. Imagine if this device was built it can change everyday life because instead of going to the store you have this machine to basically satisfy your every needs. This may be extremely expensive, but in the long run it will leave customers satisfied.

  7. Overall this device is amazing. The ability to replicate items is a unique idea and the execution in which the machine would deliver is simply brilliant. However, the price is high to say the least, but given time the benefits will far outweigh the loss.

  8. This blown me away that there could possibly print usable tools and other items. Next we can have printers that can print edible foods.

  9. This definitely was a perplexing video to watch. Actually witnessing a tough, palpable version of an actual wrench be printed was fantastic. This could change the lives of everyday people by just giving them the ability to replicate a fully functional tool (or whatever the item would be). For example, if a plumber breaks his tool, instead of buying a new one he can replicate it. Also, if there are many patients with amputated limbs, instead of manufacturing billions of dollars worth of steel to make each individual their own body part a doctor could replicate different body parts. Saving lives and saving wallets.

  10. I think this could have a huge impact on the world because it could help our economy even though it will cost alot of money but it will also make alot of money because everyone will be buying the products and keep using the products which are just as reliable as the real piece of equipment. The other reason why it would help the economy is it would create jobs for our country because we will need people to run the machines and make sure they are running correctly.

  11. This machine sounds and seem amazing. Sure it'll cost a lot to start off, but it will be worth it. I mean think about everything we buy and how often we lose things that we need. With this machine you could make a back up copy and don't have to worry about losing it. It would save a lot of time. Plus, you can use the copy item just like the original one.

  12. This 3D printer would make a huge impact on society! Its such an amazing invention that would benefit in so many ways. This 3D printer would help create almost exact replicas of everyday things that people use. It would be more efficient and it would produce less waste then being manufactured in factories.

  13. This machine could help us in the future. For example, if we ever run short of material for something, this could be an alternative option. If this ever gets mainstream, there will be lots of controversy and doubts about how it will perform in the long run. Also, it could pave a way to the future of producing things.

  14. This technology is amazing. This is technology at its greatest! Yeah it'll cost a lot at first, but it will benefit you in the long run. We lose things quite often and now we can just replace them. This saves time and money. This technology will most definitely be efficient when its established.

    Johnathan Smith

  15. Yea this is a great machine, but what else can it do? I mean this machine could either take a lot of jobs or help us by creating things simply without any effort. If it can do better things we should continue to figure out its full potential before we make any big plans. We need to keep this type of technology to ourselves because its groundbreaking and cool.

  16. I would first like to say that I'm completely awe'd right now, and what also makes me happier is that I believe this is American made technology, Japan isn't the only one with the cool toys and gadgets. Anyways, I'm sure this invention/technology is still in beta stage so it will not be used for public or company matters. Once it's completed(that means no bugs, errors, malfunctions)this will greatly impact the world because we can mass produce things without using tons of resources and it's also done without effort. Wishfully thinking though, I wish that this invention would be kept "secret" from the public and other countries, it will greatly improve the U.S. alone, but I'm not saying not to use it for other countries, but just don't let them know how we do it. Competition matters really.

  17. This was a cool video to watch, This could hurt our economy in so many ways. It took one machine to make this where im sure in production for this it prob. takes several people to manufacture this. I also am curious how much it costs to run this machine? this one wrench to duplicate im sure costs way more then it would in a normal production company. but it would be beneifical in other places where they need the item and cant just go to the store and get another one.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The 3D printer doesn't make sure to keep the strength as the original one however it can make a good business out of this. People would start using the copies instead of the real stuff. This can be the most impact thing, they can't have the best one, just the copies of it.

  20. Once this device is officially established technology will take over. However, this machine would make a huge impact on everyone lives. This invention would help us by making a replicas of everyday things that people use. The machine would also help who are constantly losing things, lazy to go out, tight on money, or just in love technology. I think this 3D printer is an amazing idea.

  21. This technology would not be accessible if it supposedly went mainstream. The shear size of the printer and scanner would make it ineffective then say, going to a local store to buy the desired object. Also, the prices of the technology and the powder are probably really high for an average person to use. It's simply too vague. What are the materials that make up the powder? It could be something detrimental to our environment, more so than using regular materials.
